"You want to propose to her already?" Ella asked in surprise as she sat on her brother's bed and looked at the engagement ring he had purchased.
"Isn't that too soon? Like you barely even know much about her," Ella said thoughtfully as she passed the ring to Ken, who was just quietly listening to them.
Although she loved Kathleen and even wanted her as her sister-in-law, she also felt like they both needed to know each other well enough.
"Is it? Tell me something. Do you think she is good for me or not?" Pete asked, looking from Ken to Ella.
"You know I've been shipping you both since I first saw her in your office," Ken said with a grin, making Ella roll her eyes.
"So just because she is pleasant to look upon, you assumed she is good for my brother?" She asked with a slightly raised brow since she was still pretending like they weren't in a relationship.
"No, I just thought..."
"Whatever," Ella said with a snort.