CHAPTER 08: Done With The Attention

Not once did they ever saw Saphira in action, that is why they didn't know her strength.

But with her speed and the way she defeated the bullies within the blink of an eye, she was someone very strong.

Then what was with her enrolment?

What was that about the rumors surrounding her that she was able to enter just because of her brain?

Who were her groupmates?

And then they realized, how was she able to keep on passing even though most of her groupmates leave her behind.

Now questions started popping up one by one because of Saphira's sudden show of strength.


Saphira grinned and waved at the people they passed by who are looking at her weirdly.

They became tensed when they saw the blood in her hands.

"Garret just where are we going? I am done with the attention," she finally said.

"Have you calmed down then?" Hunter asked her.

"I have, you have seen me grinning and waving at the people we are passing by. If I haven't calmed down then I would be glaring daggers at them instead," she replied with a roll of her eyes.

Hunter finally put her down after hearing her response.

He then gave her a cloth to wipe her hands.

"It has dried up, how can I wipe it with this?" she asked him with a pout.

"A... spring is there where we are going," Garret spoke up.

"That's great then," she eagerly replied.

Another few minutes of walk and they arrived at a bit of a secluded place behind the academy.

It was surrounded by trees and the grass are lush.

A refreshing-looking spring was indeed close by and the water was clean.

She washed her hands and even her face to refresh up.

"Hunter I'm hungry," she then said to Hunter.

Hunter raised an eyebrow at her before shaking his head.

She must have calmed down a lot to act like a child now.

Though this was normal to her even back when they were children after she vented out her anger she would act like a child asking for food.

"I'll go and get you something outside then," he said.

She asked for it from him because she wanted something, not within the campus. He can tell that much about her.

"Anyway, the letter will arrive by this afternoon, you will be free by tomorrow," he then said.

"Oh, okay. Now get me food," she nodded her head in understanding before pointing towards the outside.

Hunter chuckled before finally leaving to get her something.

After Hunter had left, Garret finally had the chance to relax and breathe.

"What just happened Saphira?" he asked her.

Saphira looked at him and seeing how he was on guard looking towards where Hunter had left, she couldn't help but laugh.

"A childhood friend of mine," she told him.

"That and then you suddenly showing strength, I am now wondering if something changed in you when you were absent yesterday," Garret looked at her as if she came from outer space.

Everything was too much of a shock for him.

She had always been the one stopping him from fighting against them but today she fought back.

And not simply fought back, she had beaten them black and blue.

All the years that he knew her, this was the very first time that she had shown this side of hers.

"There is something I need to tell you, Garret," she smiled.

He listened attentively because she was looking all serious.

"Just as what you have heard from him, I am free tomorrow, which means I am leaving tomorrow."

Garret stared at her in shock.

He even looked like he was about to cry, she was his only friend after all. Now she was telling him that she was leaving.

Saphira sighed before she continued telling him about her.

"I am not from this Empire, I am not an orphan either. I had answered vaguely that everyone thinks I am. But I have a home somewhere else. And only came here to train me better. But it is now time for me to return."

She faced him properly.

He became a good friend to her in the few years she spent in the academy.

She wants to tell him this properly.

"In reality I am..."


When Hunter returned, he saw that the man she was with had puffy eyes.

Saphira smiled at him, "I told him everything. He is my only friend here."

He smiled and passed her the food that he had bought.

"I am going ahead for now then, I need to receive the letter and make it official," he told her after giving her the food.

"Okay, I'll stick around the campus for now. I'll enjoy the place for one last time," Saphira nodded her head.

He ruffled her hair, "Don't go looking for another fight. No one might be able to stop you by then."

She grinned and he shook his head.

"You two..." Garret started pointing at her and the retreating figure of Hunter.

"We're childhood friends," she replied with a smile.

Garret grinned and the two of them made their way back to the main building.

He can only accept the thing that she had said, there is no point in staying sad over it.

But he will make sure to become stronger so that someday he will have the chance to meet her again.

Not as someone who was being protected by her but as someone who can be of help to her.

"Student Saphira, you are being called to the principal's office."

And the moment they did, Saphira was called by a teacher.

"Why am I no longer shocked?" she looked at Garret and said with a laugh.

Garret laughed, "If they knew just who it is they are looking down upon, I wonder just what it is they will do."

"Let's keep it a secret as long as possible. Let them feel despair after they have done so much stuff already," she answered with a wink.

"Go on now, I will do my best to stay out of sight until then as well. I can't have you picking another fight when they chanced upon me," he waved her goodbye.

The information was still overwhelming for him, but now he understood just where she got all the capabilities in using her head that she had shown him.

It was after all renowned that two families in the past were chosen but one just disagreed because they were lazy.

Most of the people thought that it was just a rumor but he can tell now, it was not.

When she arrived at the office, the principal was readily waiting for her.

And she could see that he was feeling pleased with what had happened.

'An expulsion is surely coming my way,' she thought.

"An orphan like you dare to raise your hands towards the nobles. Should I say I expect nothing less?"

Saphira stood in front of the table of the principal as he berates her nonstop for what she had done in the cafeteria.

"You are such a lowlife and you dare act in such a way? You are only a scholar, someone who was able to enter without spending a penny. They are the ones paying the academy and you hit them close to death?"

Saphira wanted to react.

'I only did that to one person and be happy I was stopped, if not then he would be on the brink of death.'

"Are you listening to me?!?!?!" the principal shouted.

"Yes, sir I am," she replied.

If her parents were to know of this, no not just his parents even that person, if that person were to know of this. The principal and the nobles of this Empire would surely be doomed.

'I should speak to Hunter that this is not to be told to that person,' she reminded herself.

There are no other people she could think of that would react violently about this. The rest they wouldn't care.

"The complaints I have received are enough to get you expelled, I don't need to explain anymore to a low life like you. Pack your things and leave this place. You are officially expelled," the principal pointed at her face.

"I understand sir. But you don't have to worry, I am dropping out of school and was just finalizing everything," she said with a smile.

Getting into more trouble was nothing to her now.

As long as it is not to the boundaries that the Empires are to be involved with one another.

The principal frowned, "I have not heard of such. I am the principal, stop trying to make stories just so you can leave with a clean slate. I will make sure that no other academies will accept you."

"Well, I am out of Academy now though," she still answered.

That was the truth, they are now out of the academy.