CHAPTER 12: Have I Not?

"Isn't that fine? We can check the condition of the Empire as a whole before going to the shores," Saphira commented while she was lying down with her hands behind her head.

Drake glanced at her with irritation, he was sitting at the back most of the Legendary Roc.

"We are in a mission and not some sight seeing" he commented.

"No, I think it is fine. We can have a bit of time to relax before the battle, we can also learn from the people of what was going on before we rush in to fight," Hunter speak up.

He gave Drake a warning look.

Then he looked at Nixon before pointing at the wounds in Saphira's face and arms.

Nixon didn't notice this at first because she wasn't acting any different but some were actually quite deep.

"Let me help you with these wounds," he approached her and said.

Saphira smiled, "Thank you."

"Well, if everyone was not fond of it then we can just go straight to the battlefield," she then added while simply watching Nixon help her with the wounds she received a while ago.

Ridge and Nixon looked at Hunter because they too wanted to check the town first before going into serious mode.

"One day, we will have one day of taking a look at the town and gathering information before we will go to the place of the mission," he decided.

Since there is still no appointed leader in their group, he was tasked to temporarily hold it.

Willow didn't comment while Drake returned his eyes to the scenery surrounding them.

Saphira shrugged and closed her eyes ready to sleep after Nixon was done.

In reality, she haven't truly recovered from her body pain that she received from Cyrus on their last bout and so all she wanted was to sleep.

Stormie looked at Willow and smiled. Willow just shook her head before smiling in return.

If most of them wants to go then there is no point of not going.

They landed at a forest nearby before walking the rest of the way. They wanted to keep a low profile while scouting and as much as possible even during the mission itself.

Not being known for their background is better than being treated too kindly just because of who they were.

"They said that the shore was truly chaotic affecting the goods coming from the water," one guard sighed while Saphira and her group log in the gates as tourists.

"They said that it was currently off limits to everyone else other than those who are fighting," another replied.

"Hey, have you noticed? The movements of the demonic beasts are becoming more and more as time goes by," another commented.

"But they said not to worry, Qillian Empire was already informed and that they will be sending some help," the first one informed the other two.

"Then we can take a bit of a breather, I heard that Qillian Empire's knights were trained solely for destroying those demonic beasts and the ones affected by darkness."

Saphira looked away from them as they were finally given the chance to enter.

Just as they did she whispered to Hunter and he listened attentively before nodding his head.

They were at the end of the group that no one noticed this.


Saphira stretched her arms as they sat down in the hotspring.

All three ladies chose to check out the hot spring while the boys chose to roam around the town.

As they entered, Stormie was complaining once again about how flat her chest was while the other two actually have bigger ones.

She has A cup while Saphira has C cup and Willow has D cup.

Though because of this, Willow's life wasn't as peaceful because of the guys who are being to rude.

"Why oh why? Why am I the only one who wasn't blessed?" she asked looking down at her own chest.

They were young when they got separated and when they reunited this is the first thing that she had noticed about the other two.

Saphira laughed while Willow just shook her head with a smile.

They can't answer this can they?

"It has been so long since I actually relaxed like this," Saphira commented leaning back to relax.

Her pained body started feeling better.

The hot water helped all her tensed muscles to relax and her bloodflow was getting better as well.

Because she was doing her best to live frugally, going to such places was not an option for her.

Then she abruptly sat straight, "I have to remind you guys, I really have no money. I can't pay for this."

Stormie laughed, "Of course this is already paid for by Hunter. You speak as if you are not a noble at all."

"The life of an orphan is seriously very difficult. Without knowing where to get money you can only fend for yourself and then you will learn that every dime counts," Saphira answered before relaxing again hearing that everything was already settled.

They sat silently for a good while before Willow spoke up.

"For the past 8 years have you lived your life like this?" she asked looking at Saphira.

"Like what?" Saphira asked.

"As carefree as this," she elaborated.

"I guess, I mean we were tasked to train and all but other than that there are no more specific instructions," she answered.

Willow sighed before standing up, "I'm sorry I suddenly felt like resting."

"Are you?" Saphira asked the carefreeness in her face disappeared.

"People had suffered, I just didn't feel good hearing what you had said," Willow honestly replied.

Saphira nodded her head, "That is your life and those are your beliefs. I won't stop you or correct you."

Willow nodded before she stepped out of the water.

Saphira took a deep breath before leaning back and closing her eyes.

"Saphira..." Stormie called.

"Don't worry, remember what I told you when we first met again?"

Saphira opened her eyes and looked at Stormie.

"No matter how you interact, that is your decision. Who to hate and who to like, no one should dictate that. You can listen to stories, to purposes, to reasons but in the end, it will be your decisions. Don't put it in your heart or mind about what others want you to decide."

She repeated with a smile and Stormie could feel her knotted heart ever since they met her again slowly being loosened.

"I am alright with how you guys live your lives. With the decisions you make, as long as you don't simply throw your lives away or make a blunder that will cause the rest to be in danger. Then I will not comment about anything."

Saphira took a deep breath and laugh, "8 years truly changed so many things."

"But you haven't changed at all," Stormie replied while giggling.

"Have I not," Saphira whispered.

"Hmmm?" Stormie asked when she heard Saphira speak but didn't understand what she was saying.

"Nothing, I just said that this is truly a relaxing bath," Saphira smiled before leaning back again with a smile and closing her eyes to enjoy the rest of the time that they have.

After they were done, they stepped out of the place.

"I heard that her husband was hurt by a big beast. It was a giant one but was fast enough that they were unable to see what it was."

"Yes, not only him but the rest of his team as well."

Saphira approached them, Stormie went to the toilet and she was waiting for her when she heard them.

"Excuse me, is what you said true? A giant beast was within the waters?"

They looked at her and seeing as she was young they looked at each other before sighing.

There are these kinds of kids these days, curious about the dangerous things.

"They said that a giant tail was what swept them flying," one finally told her when she didn't step away from them.

Saphira nodded her head that's when Stormie stepped out of the toilet and called for her.

"Thank you," she bowed at the two ladies before walking over to Stormie.

"What is it?" Stormie asked.

"There seems to be a bigger danger within the waters, we need to investigate this further," Saphira seriously said.

"Wha do you mean?" Stormie asked when Saphira walked ahead and she could only follow.

"People were talking about injured soldiers but it seems they were unable to see just what it was that caused such casualty," Saphira explained.

Stormie stared at her as she started muttering to herself.

Stormie had heard people talking within that place but she didn't focus on them at all.

"Saphira?" she called making Saphira look at her.

"Have we come here just because you want to relax?" Stormie asked pertaining to the hot springs.

"Yes but as the most popular place in the Empire, don't you think we'll receive more information with more people?" she asked in return leaving Stormie lost for words.