CHAPTER 29: A Story For Another Day

"The Emperor wouldn't speak about such a matter even in your private meetings as the heads of the seven mythological families."

Asherton cleared his throat, "Don't mind the details."

Archie squinted his eyes, "You spoke about my matter in your private meeting."

"I remembered I still have something to do. You really should start moving son."

And he left in a rushed manner when Archie held on to the hilt of his sword.



Archie was unable to focus because of what he had heard and actually ended up asking about it through his next letter.

Carmilla was giggling in her room when she read about it.

Her hardwork have finally paid of.

It is shown in his question that he was affected by the news.

"I wonder how they found out when it wasn't even released yet? It was a national matter and the Emperor and my family should be the only ones who knew about it for now."

She giggled even more.

"What makes my daughter so happy right now?" Count Blackbourne asked when he entered her room.

"Say father, would you be angered if I decline the marriage offer from the other Empire?" she sat up straight and asked.

The count sat down opposite her and looked at her with curiosity.

"I understand that you haven't met the crown prince and it is on another Empire. But have you still not given up on him?"

The count wasn't too much of a person who seeks power and would rather sell his daughter than let her be with the person she loves.

He also knew that Carmilla had fallen in love with Archie Fiamma, one of the most elligible captains of the whole Empire.

Not just Leonis Kingdom.

"Are you sure about this my daughter?" he asked her with concern.

"Don't worry father I am very much sure I will be able to get him," she replied with confidence.

The more she exchanged letters with him the more she knew that he was very much different with the person he was portraying whenever he was outside.

He was gallant in his missions.

He was gentle in his words.

He was honest with his feelings.

And even with his reputation, when she looked into him, he only had those ladies in his arms.

But other than caressing their cheeks and holding their hands in public.

He actually never did anything more than that.

Whenever they tried taking it further, he was able to answer them in a round about manner that towards the end, they were left with an answer that is not an answer.

He has a way with words that whenever he answers questions, people will think that they received an answer until the topic was diverted somewhere else.

And when they realized this, they no longer had the chance to ask again.

That is why she had fallen in love with him even more.

He was seriously focused on his family and duties.

But he wasn't someone who will let others see it.

He'd rather have an ugly reputation than have so many fans who would flock around him.

Count Blackbourne sighed, "If that is what you want then I will speak with the Emperor regarding the engagement."

Everything happened smoothly that is until the crown prince of that Empire came to understand why he was rejected.

He couldn't accept this fact and things went out of hand.

As for how things went?

It shall be a story for another day.

Just that after these events, the two of them became official.

(End Of Flashback)

"Well staying out in the wild will allow you to eat so many fresh things that my palate could tell just what are fresh and not no matter how much it was hidden," Saphira proudly replied.

Archie turned serious, "We have heard of the incident of you being thrown into a different place."

"Thrown is too much of a word father, no matter whether it was our old kingdom or a different one. I was sent away, okay," she chuckled.

"Wasn't it difficult?" Carmilla asked this time.

"At first it was, but I get to learn so many things that I didn't find it difficult in the end."

After a bit of thought, she asked, "You didn't answer my question earlier. Did they feel ashame of our family that they chose to return to our old kingdom instead?"

She was referring to their relatives who left.

Archie shook his head, "They weren't, they supported us all through out but you have to remember, you still have some young cousins. Bullying might cause them too much harm despite their family background."

Saphira nodded her head, "That's a good decision then. I hope they are doing well in Vermin Kingdom."

"Well, we would receive letters from time to time and they were doing great. But they were also worried that we may have it even more difficult," Archie answered.

Saphira smiled.

Their family didn't have the internal conflict despite what had happened in the past.

And she was glad, that the bond stayed strong.

"The servants were the only ones who left and those that manage the shops around the estate," Carmilla said afterwards.

"Well, if they want to leave then they can leave. No one will stop them from doing what they want. But that doesn't mean that when the need arises, they can come back to us."

The benefits they receive were a lot while working under Fiamma family.

But because of the tragic event eight years ago they chose to forgo everything.

"Oh, they did try coming back," Carmilla said getting her attention.

"What happened?"

"They tried getting to the Alphius Family but the master were vehement that not one servant that deserted Fiamma Family are to be accepted. Not even their family," Carmilla explained.

Saphira was stunned, she had always thought that the whole Alphius family were unwilling to interact with them.

"The Alphius family didn't show us hostility. We remained the same as ever that the people of Leonis Kingdom, couldn't truly show their mock," Archie said seeing her shock look.

"I was just shock," she answered.

"We heard that Drake had been showing hostility towards you but his family were different," Archie elaborated.

Saphira no longer commented and just smiled.

Hunter must have sent reports of their condition together with their current interaction with one another.

The three of them talked more about her experiences until late that afternoon.

Carmilla then told her to rest before dinner and by then her grandfather should be home already as well.

Finally getting the chance to rest in her own room, she ended up falling asleep deeply.