CHAPTER 33: Who Would Want To

When Saphira woke up the next day, she heard laughters coming from the garden.

Getting there, she was definitely shock to see that it was Drake's parents.

Linden Alphius and Fatima Alphius.

Linden having the trait of the Alphius family of silver hair and eyes while Fatima having black hair and blue eyes.

"Good morning Saphira, why don't you stop standing there and greet our guests instead," Archie called for her after seeing her.

He can see the shock in her eyes and he knew she was expecting the worst when she returned.

Because of the question from yesterday about the servants and their relatives, she didn't think positively about their situation at all.

But he couldn't blame her.

The events before she was sent were too chaotic.

A lot had thrown different things at their residence.

A lot had shouted about their execution.

She had witnessed all of this before leaving that asking such things and being shock by seeing such scenes are no longer new to them.

They feel bad that she had to experience so much and be traumatized by it, that they could only give her assurance that everything is fine.

That everything will surely be fine even to the future.

Saphira slowly walked over and greeted their visitors, "A pleasant day to you Duke Linden Alphius and Duchess Fatima Alphius."

"Oh geez this child, aunt and uncle are fine. Why are you changing the way you called us?" Fatima instantly smiled and said.

Saphira smiled with uncertainty, "Then hello auntie and uncle, it has been a while."

"Indeed, it has been a while. Do you want to join us for our morning tea? This had been our daily routine for quite a while now," Linden asked her this time.


Saphira was suddenly met with an unexpected situation that she actually has no idea how to react to this.

Carmilla sighed and stood up walking over to her.

"Towards the end you still are not fond of wearing dresses," she commenetd seeing as Saphira was still wearing pants with a long blouse, looking like it was a mini dress with pants to pair it up.

"You know how much I am not fond of such mother," Saphira instantly asnwered.

"Yes, yes but people are waiting so shall we seat?" Carmilla pulled her along towards the empty seat on the table beside her.

The parents were talking joyfully but Saphira remained stiff.

"You are going to give her a bad stomach at this rate."

Just then Asherton came from his morning training and saw what was happening.

They all looked at Saphira to which she smiled with uncertainty.

Archie looked at Linden before smiling towards Saphira.

"You were expecting the worst basing on how everyone reacted back then but not everything would turn that bad," he told her holding her hand.

"I am sorry," she couldn't help but to apologize.

"Don't be," Linden answered.

"We have heard that our son showed too much hostility towards you. We could only apologize to that," he added.

"No... Uhmmm... It's alright. I... was... expecting it," she replied.

Linden and Fatima felt a sting in their hearts.

No matter what the cause of their son's death, for Saphira to be judged like that, to be hated like that, she did not deserve it.

She was but a child just like their son back then.

Just because she lazed around, they all think that she was already part of the plan.

But they are sure by simply looking at her back then that she was as hurt as they were, much more hurt than they were.

She had lost a sister and lost an inborn beast, a friend.

And then upon returning home, she had to receive the ire of everyone around her.

And the most painful must have been to receive the hatred of one of your closest friend and the indifference of the others.

They knew it was only Hunter who never looked at her differently.

They knew and even though she was not their child, they felt pain for her.


Fatima stood and up and walked over to her before holding her hand.

"We may have been hurt of what had happened but we were not the only ones who lost a child, the reason behind? We don't want to think about it anymore, simply we weren't the only ones who suffered."

Saphira pursed her lips.

Her life was filled with nothing but expectation of the worst.

That she somehow didn't want to return.

Who would want to?

No matter how much you ignore, you will still end up getting tired.

And when you are tired, all you wanted to do was to rest from it, to stay away from it.

Until you are energized enough to face it again.

"Stop thinking about it and live comfortably. As for our child, we will speak with him," she added.

Saphira finally smiled genuinely, "Thank you. Your thoughts are enough to lighten the heaviness that had been filling up my heart."

It was the truth, the warmth they give was enough to lighten the boulder pressing in her heart.

"I guess I should probably eat now and meet with the Emperor, please excuse me."

She stood up and smiled at all of them, "Today is such a wonderful day."

She left and all they could do was watch her back as she retreated.

"There is one thing I want to tell all of you since you are already gathered," Asherton sat down on another empty chair facing the four of them.

"The burden she carries, I wish for each of you not to take it lightly as simply witnessing and receiving hatred."

All four looked at one another.

"Especially for the two of you," he added looking at his son and daughter-in-law.

Clasping his hands together and leaning forward on the table, with his serious look.

He slowly said the words that shook their worlds.

"Saphira... without the knowledge of the rest, was the one who took Raynisha's life."