CHAPTER 39: Not Everything My Child

"You are here?"

Just as Saphira stepped out of the Building of Heroes, she chanced upon Hunter.

"Yup, just came for a visit," she answered.

He frowned and looked up at the building.

"Visiting this place? Of all places?" he asked pointing at it.

She can tell merely by Gideon picking her up that Hunter was unaware of the fact that she had met the Emperor.

Gideon would not ask anything but Hunter will surely do so.

Saphira and Reginald were trying their best to keep things under wraps so the best option will be for Gideon to pick her up whiole not telling Hunter about it.

"I am about to go to the library when this place caught my eye," she shrugged.

It was true that she will be heading to the library next because she didn't know if the Alphius couple are gone from their house.

She was still uncomfortable meeting them.

But she was happy that her parents are in a harmonious relationship with them.

So what she just told Hunter now is not completely a lie, just a truth trying to cover up something.

"Why would you want to check it out? Her name wasn't even there. Are you a masochist?" he said as they started walking towards the library building.

She laughed with sarcasm.

Somehow after she had told him that she was the one who took Raynisha's life, a barrier that existed when they just met up dissipated between them.

It was because Hunter didn't pity her or told her that she had no choice.

Instead he just supported her.

"What about you?" she asked after a while.

"Came out from training, I had to report so much yesterday and this morning that I just felt like moving my body now."

Saphira laughed again, minus the sarcasm.

Everything was truly left to him.

"Mother Empress was asking about you," he informed her.

"I haven't visited her yet," she answered.

But she really didn't want to right now.

Not only because of the bullying but also because she didn't know how to face her questions about Drake and his attitude towards her.

Felissa was fussier than Carmilla, that is the truth.

Maybe because Felissa never had a daughter that she treated her even more dearly that her sons.

Hunter could see that she was hesitating that he placed a hand on top of her head.

"Don't worry you don't have to visit her if there is nothing important, she will understand it just fine."

She smiled and just took a deep breath.


"I saw you."

Just as Hunter came to his mother's palace, Felissa spoke both with grudge and a pout.

She has long white hair braided on one side with purple eyes shining brightly.

Hunter sighed.

"You two were walking happily towards the library," Felissa continued.

Hunter sat down letting his mother vent out.

She really loves Saphira that she was sad, Saphira didn't come to her even though she was in the palace.

"You do understand what is going with her right?" Hunter spoke after seeing that that was the end of her tantrum.

Felissa sighed heavily and her childish demeanor gone.

"I know, I understand it very well. My nature of being fuzzy is what makes it uncomfortable for her."

She sat down opposite him and a tea with snacks were already served.

"Mother," Hunter spoke.


"Was Father Emperor telling you everything?"

Felissa turned serious seeing that something was bothering her son.

Her purple looked straight at Hunter's brown eyes.

"Not everything my child. Not everything."

"But how can you maintain your relationship? The trust between you?"

Felissa smiled and sipped from her cup.

"There are so many things that you really couldn't communicate with one another. Secrets that are sometimes better left unsaid in order not to make the other worry."

"But isn't it that worrying is also proof of your love for one another?"

Felissa looked at him and sighed, "So we are at that age now? Time surely flies so fast."

Hunter looked away from her sipping from his own cup.

"It is also proof of your love that you don't want to make your other half worry. And it is proof of both your love that you trust one another despite the secrets."

She smiled again placing her cup down, "You know Saphira, she does not keep things to herself unless necessary."

And then a thought came to her, "Or..."


"It is for herself as well."

Hunter could not understand what she was speaking of.

Felissa just smiled.

Saphira as a child found out something that all the rest were unaware of.

Something that Felissa just found out by chance while she was there as well.

And when Felissa looked at that six year old one, she was not even bothered and when asked, Felissa found out that she was aware of it for a few months already.

When she asked if the rest knew, Saphira shook her head, "No, they don't need to know."

"What is it mother?" Hunter became curious.

"Just remember what I told you, she will never keep secrets for the bad of everyone. She sometimes keep it to save herself as well."

Hunter was baffled but had accepted her words.

It is saddening that Saphira had so many things she keeps quiet about after not meeting one anotehr for 8 years.

But his mother was right, trust is what he can give Saphira right now.

Trust that she will be fine and trust that she is also taking care of the rest.

"The best thing for you to do is to support her no matter what. No matter what secret she holds. No matter what information she is keeping."

Felissa finally said while holding his hand that was on top of the table.

"I understand mother."

Felissa nodded her head with a smile on but when Hunter finally left and she was all alone, she couldn't help but to sigh.

Pressure was being applied to her as well that she really has no idea just what it is she needs to do somehow.