CHAPTER 156: He Also Vowed On This Day

The other side barely did any work and always made them do everything, at first people still tried to fight back but soon when the Emperor sent more knights.

It was to actually help that side to crash them even more.

In the end, they decided to just follow because even their Emperor was unjust.

Though they were no longer shock because he had always been like that.

Unjust to the poor and powerless.

"What is it?" Hunter asked seeing the shock in their faces.

"They are but knights but aren't you the same? You worked harder than them while they lay on their money waiting for your achievement to be taken by them. Why are you bowing down?"

In reality, Hunter was fuming mad.

He rarely speak so much but he knows how to look and he knows how to get mad.

Seeing the incompetence of these people and the way they mistreat them more than those in Alquira Empire, he was seriously angry at the management.

He was a prince who looks after his people, seeing this now, even he would surely snap.

But no, it was not only him who was feeling wronged, even the others were feeling the same.

"What are you all still standing there? Get to work already, you have played around more than enough. Aren't you doing your missions? Or should the whole world know that you weren't really doing it?"

The one who spoke a while ago went over and started mocking them.

The rest were laughing.

Felix was feeling mad even more.


One word from Hunter and Felix could only keep his mouth shut.

Hunter's word wasn't loud but it was filled with authority that even the one mocking them felt like he should keep quiet.

"We shall do our work then," Hunter replied to that man before turning his back on him.

The others did the same and Kayleb followed after them.

That was the first time he saw Frank, the one who kept mocking them, falling silent even though he was not the one who was told to stop.

But Kayleb felt it too, the authority behind Hunter was something that even their Emperor couldn't compare.

Felix was looking at Hunter's back, since Saphira was there before, Hunter left everything to her.

But he didn't expect that he was even scarier or much authoritative than Saphira when he took charge.

"Well, we were his friends and so he rarely uses that tone to us. Though he did threaten us from time to time when we go overboard but it was not to that extent. It seems it became an unconscious thing for him to lower his tone even when he was mad at us," Stormie told him when he asked whether Hunter was always like this.

"I guess I shouldn't have tried to fight back a while ago," he said.

Because he just joined, the tone Hunter used was truly scary for him.

He rarely feels that way even with his father.

"Don't be too sad about that, surely there will come a time where the group will completely accept you. If you really wish to do so," Stormie patted his shoulder and said.

He knew very well that he wasn't a complete friend yet but their attitude being like this even though he had done something so bad at the beginning, was already a good improvement for him.

He should just be contented with what he was receiving.

But he also vowed on this day.

That one day he will be able to enter their group properly because he will cherish them as dear friends from now on.

Friends who didn't only teach him how to understand the true meaning of that word but taught him lessons after lessons of the pain that comes and the happiness that joined it when you treat someone as a friend.

"Hoho, why is our prince blushing over here? Have you fallen for that lady?"

Nixon noticed the look Felix was having and when he tried to follow his line of sight, he found that it was in the direction of Stormie.


Felix was completely caught off guard, he wasn't looking at one person in particular, he was simply in deep thought and didn't know where he was actually looking.

"No, I'm not, I was simply thinking!!"

His voice was a little too loud that he ended up getting the attention of the rest.

"No... I..."

He could only lower his head when Stormie tilted her head while looking at him.

"This is your fault," he complained to Nixon.

"I was just asking," Nixon laughed.

Felix grumbled at the thought of being embarrassed while Nixon had his arms around his shoulder.

As the two of them enjoy their time, Hunter got the gist of what was going on.

Apparently the demonic beasts weren't too much of a trouble, it's just that the people in the upper class didn't want to help at all.

Everything was left to the commoners causing more losses than necessary.

"I was just thinking that we were lucky enough to meet good Kings and Emperors, yet who would have thought that the Emperor here are worst than dogs?" Stormie sighed while shaking her head.

"Lady luck does not always smile down upon us, does she?" Ridge nodded his head while sighing as well.

Kayleb watched them feel bad for them, the commoners of this Empire, and felt moved to tears.

No one had thought of them being wronged for so long. Not even their families could do anything for them except to pray that they will soon return alive and well.

"Don't worry, you have done nothing wrong all these years. It was a good thing that we have come, we will make sure to restraighten this place up."

Hunter rarely gives his promises but this time he could see just how hard these people had worked for their Empire, he will make sure to straighten everything out.