CHAPTER 169: In Every Aspect Of Life

Yes, he had placed constraints on himself.

Constraints of giving his brother some justice and making sure that his death would be justified.

Cliche indeed but he was adamant on this decision.

To the point that up to now, even without the hatred he was still unable to focus on his own happiness.

He was still stagnant to the point of hurting Willow but leaving her in her wrong changes.

But to have someone who hates the same person you hate, not all human would tell these people that they shouldn't feel that way.

Instead some would feel that they were comforted at the thought that more people hated the one they hate.

Drake was actually on the latter part.

He was comforted at the thought that Willow actually hated Saphira just like him.

That in the end, she was hurt and were troubled because of this.

He had been feeling guilty all this time for they really hated the wrong person.

And that he had unwittingly pulled another person to have this guilt.

He knew full well that Willow was still waiting for him.

Waiting to the day that there feelings would meet one another.

Just like what Ridge had said, he was hurting them both this way.

With a sigh he left her room and walked out to have some fresh air.

What is he supposed to do?

With a clear goal of getting back his brother's body, was he capable of thinking about other things without straying from this goal?

Well, it was true that he will still end up having that same goal even if he has other things.

But would his drive continue?

The drive to keep getting stronger?

He has no confidence in himself, he might end up neglecting his training instead.

Or he might be too lenient to himself after getting his feeling across.

He didn't want that and so he chose to stay away from it instead.

In reality he wasn't the only one being confused and having problems regarding this matter.

There was another person, who may not look like it but was actually feeling weirded by his own sudden emotions.

Emotions he never felt before.

"What's with the frown? If you want to have some late night training as well, why didn't you join them?" Ridge, who was the last to step out of the library, chanced upon Nixon who was looking at Felix and Stormie who are heading to the training ground.

"No, I am not interested," Nixon replied with a shrug before placing both hands behind his head.

"You seem to be thinking something that involves the two of them," Ridge commented seeing as Nixon was still looking at the path where the two took.

They were long gone and that path was opposite where he and Nixon were heading.

"Not really, I am just being confused about something," he honestly replied.

Ridge raised an eyebrow, "Care to elaborate?"

"Why are you so curious. It was simply nothing I was just feeling irritated somehow. Though it was already normal since Stormie and I were always at odds. I was just wondering why I was feeling irritated with Felix as well."

Nixon was honestly confused but Ridge seemed to have though of something different.

"You'll understand as time pass by, it is better that we just rest for now for we have no idea just when our battle will continue," Ridge replied taking the lead to start walking to where they will be resting.

If Ridge wasn't wrong then that weird feeling muct be "that" feeling as well.

But it hasn't complete bloomed yet that it gives confusion to the one being involved.

WIth his sister who loves reading novels and all, he was somehow quite knowledgeable to so many things.

If he were to be asked, he'd say that towards the seven of them, he might be the moist knowledgeable.

Thinking about this and seeing Nixon who was still unaware, Ridge couldn't help but feel proud that he has this kind of knowledge.

It might not be as useful as otehr things but it is a fact that it is useful towards his friends.

"Why are you suddenly grinning?" Nixon frowned seeing his smug smile.

"Nothing, just thinking that having more things to read is indeed a wonderful thing. I could help in every aspect of life," he replied.

Nixon looked at him weirdly after hearing him speak about the aspect of life.

"You are a potion and poison maker, isn't it normal that you have to help in different aspects of life?" Nixon asked.

"You really are innocent my friend. Someday you will surely understand what I am talking about but as of this moment, you are still green."

Nixon was seriously weirded towards Ridge.

It seems he wasn't the only one feeling weird things, Ridge himself had become weird as well.

On the other hand, Felix had asked Stormie for more training.

Not just to improve their fighting style but also to spend more time with her and see if his feelings was truly that of a special feeling towards a woman or simply to someone who was a close friend.

He didn't want to be confused and cause problems, it is better to make sure of things instead instead of being half hearted about it.

He won't only hurt himself and make himself look bad but most of all he would hurt those who are around him.

Since this emotion is something that could cause so much trouble when one was not careful about it.