CHAPTER 198: Records Left Behind

"Isn't that obvious? My proposal is a big thing, do you realize how important it is? It can't be sent to a simple messenger," Cedric harrumphed.

'Waaahh haughty indeed.'

"Then what would be this proposal?" she asked again, maintaining her respectful demeanor.

With that the irritation the family felt towards her subsided, it seems she really was just unknowledgeable, they can let that go with her attitude.

"Of course, it is for the crown prince of your empire to marry my darling daughter. She is a pearl no one could compare, only the best could be married to her. As you know-"

The king's speech abruptly stopped when Saphira started coughing non stop.

She had choked on air!!!

What absurdity was this?

Where in the hellish world did they get the idea of marrying this person to Hunter?

Wait in the first place when did they sent the proposal?

Cedric's face turned dark instantly, "How disrespectful!!! I tried to keep my calm for making us wait for five years and this is how a messenger will act?!?!"

Saphira stopped coughing but this time her mouth was seriously left open.

'Close your mouth, do you plan to leave a fly to enter it?' Light reminded her while Vermilion Bird rolled his eyes.

Even he was too stupefied by the absurdity of what was going on.

Saphira fixed herself and cleared her throat, "I must apologize your majesty. But you have waited for five years?"

Cedric harrumphed, "The emperor is busy, I can understand that and so I have decided to wait. Even my poor daughter had to stay away from other men in order to remain pure for the crown prince."

'I think I am going to faint. How come this place remained intact? Was the darkness really just not interested in it? If they were attacked I can see doomsday already,' Saphira spoke to the two inside her.

She was feeling dizzy by all of this.

"Please give me a moment..." she said as she tried to breath by the stupid scenario she was suddenly put in.

And somehow, the three of them really did turn silent to give her time to breath.

Instead of steadying her breathing she ended up suppressing a laughter instead.

She even turned red at this.

'Oh no, this family... this family is seriously... How are they holding on?'

As she tried suppressing her laughter she ended up coughing all over again.

"Just what is wrong with you? Are you mocking our family?" Justin asked her.

"You should consider yourselves lucky that we had taken a liking towards you all. Have you no idea just what Kingdom you are in right now?" he continued.

Seeing his serious look, Saphira calmed down and looked at him seriously as well.

"May I ask what kingdom am I in?" she asked sincerely.

Because she knew, this kind of confidence, it must be sprouting from somewhere.

Especially since she can see that they really are not the completely stupid type, or more like the prince wasn't someone who would act in such a way without a proper reason behind it.

"This is the kingdom where the leading figure of the first knights who fought against the darkness thousands of years ago, came from."

Now Saphira's attention was taken fully by them.

"Leading figure? Why use such a way of describing the person? You could have used the name," she replied.

Justin blew out some air, "If we know the name and the looks then surely we would have made a monument already."

"Hmmm, then how reliable is your information that you are so sure that person came from here?" she asked in a much more serious tone.

She was looking up information about this person, being mislead by silly informations would surely make her mad.

She is a hard working lazy person, okay.

If this information gives her more work then she would surely turn this kingdom upside down.

"There are records left behind by this person in this place, they were being protected by the royal family."

He startedd looking smug at the way he spoke.

'No wonder they were so high up thier horses, turns out I there is something more about this kingdom. Do you think we could find more things in this place?' Saphira asked Light.

'I don't know. I told you I have no memories if ever I was the spirit of the light ability user before you,' Light replied.

'Still if there are records, then what was the name and the look of that person?' she asked again.

'Hmmm, it seems you are lacking something, don't you want to know the gender as well?' Light asked in turn.


Saphira couldn't answer it feels like she was sure that the image she and the other three, Hunter, Vermilion Bird and Qirin, saw was of that person.

That the one before her was a woman as well.

Light tilted her head to the side before glancing at Vermilion Bird, who had his eyes closed. He seemed to be uninterested to what was going on.


Saphira snapped out of her talk with Light when she heard Justin snort.

She looked at him suppressing the urge to raise an eyebrow.

"That is why, we are the real heroes homeland and that Qillian Empire was simply a second generation. The one who beat the darkness first was our kingdom," he spoke.

'Ah I take back the words that his noble identity is not a waste. He was much more arrogant than his stupid family,' Saphira thought.

"That is why it is your crown prince's luck that he could marry my sister," Justin continued.

Saphira's eyes turned sharp but she remained bowing not allowing them to see the changes.

"Hmmm, our crown prince has the looks and the strength but it was his luck to marry your sister? Who definitely has no ability?"

Each of those who holds ability have a certain aura with them, that is why normal people could be distinguished easily.