CHAPTER 226: This Is Seriously Too Much

"What in the world?!?!"

All of them were stupefied at the scene they had witnessed.

They weren't even gone for twenty four hours yet but the peaceful kingdom they left had turned upside down.

The whole place was on dark fire and the buildings were destroyed.

The palace itself looked like it was already in ruins for ten years.

"There down below," Stormie pointed noticing people.

Roc descended and after getting close, they recognized these people.

They were the ones guarding the inn they were at in order to give them peace in their training.

"Raizen," Willow rushed upon seeing that familiar figure.

The figure rushed to her as well.

But half way through, she was suddenly pulled back and the sound of swords clashing was heard.

Saphira pushed her back, causing her to stumble but she was caught before she ended up on the ground.

Saphira used force to push Raizen back.

"Saphira?" Willow questioned.

Saphira had a serious look on.

Her hand that was holding the sword was trembling and her knuckles had turned white with the strength she was clenching it.

"Heed my command, every person in this kingdom. Kill them all."

All seven of them took a sharp breath after hearing her command.

"Saphira?" Willow repeated her question.

"I'm sorry Willow, we're too late."

Even her voice trembled as she rushed forward, the very first person she attacked was Raizen.

"Saphira!!!" Willow shouted but Drake held her back.

"Hunter!!" Saphira called and without communicating Hunter made the earth move.

Saphira didn't dilly dally and she continued with her killing spree.

Everyone was utterly shock but seeing as those people are also attacking Saphira and are on their way to attack them, they could only move.

There is no time to wonder what is going on.

Their commander has given her command, they could only follow.

Plus they are feeling it now, the feeling coming from these people.

It was no longer the same as before but instead, there was darkness.

As she killed, Saphira's face was filled with grief.

The more she killed the more her face would turn pale.

The rest weren't spared.

They were the same, these people bid them goodbye like normal not even twenty four hours ago, but now they are here killing them.

Just how painful is it, the once you treated as your friends are now attacking you and you killing them.

"Don't leave anyone else behind. This is the only way we can save them," Saphira called out.

All their beasts were out as well.

The number was overwhelming for even those who are not knights are attacking.

Wounds appeared on their bodies but this pain could not compare to what they are feeling in their heart.

Every body they peirce with their sword felt like a stab on their very own heart.

Though devastated adn was at a loss, Willow was still able to attack just fine.

Soon tears appeared on their eyes as they continued their attacks.

This is too much.

This is seriously too much.

Saphira chuckled bitterly, 'Now I understand what she meant by the lower forces.'

Light sighed inside her as she assist in Saphira's control over the light ability.

The more her friends kill, the more she has to use it in order to ensure that the darkness will disappear from the bodies.

Soon they reached the palace and were faced by the royal family.

Saphira didn't wait, she rushed and killed Nathalia.

"I'm sorry for my negligence," her voice cracked.

She had thought that this place was abundant of light, that it could maintain peace for as long as possible because Darkness would rather stay away from it.

Who would have thought that it would be the first to be attacked?

It would be the first to actually be in such situation.

The others killed the rest before each of them slumped on the ground.

Saphira used light to assess the area and see if there are more.

She only stopped after knowing the kingdom was already devoid of life.

The sun had risen for a good while now, it was up in the sky at the peak of its heat.

She looked up as there was no more ceiling or roof on the palace.

The others cried in silence, Willow was the most devastated.

She was silent but tears are coming out of her eyes.

Saphira walked over to her before calling for Hunter.

Hunter controlled the earth and soon Raizen's body came out on the ground.

"You decide, where should we bury him?" Saphira asked.

Willow looked up at her and even though there were no tears, Saphira looked like she was suffering even more.

Much more than what they are all feeling.

"This is all my fault," Saphira started.

"I knew that the light essence around here was a lot but that doesn't mean they are invincible. I should have not waited for us to do it in every land. I should have started here already, started the barrier to the place where we were given the chance to train."

She looked at each of them, "I shouldn't have gotten drunk and should have taken my duties much more seriously. Then maybe they wouldn't have met their end in this way."

She laughed bitterly before she walked over and took out all her anger on thge wall.

She punched and punched not thinking about whether she was getting hurt or not.

Hunter grabbed hold of her but she pushed him away, "I shouldn't have..."

She gritted her teeth in anger, "What kind of commander was I?"

She looked at them and they knew that what happened today was a big blow on her, a very big one.