CHAPTER 301: Take The First Step

Stormie smiled with uncertainty before scratching the back of her head, "You knew?"

Felix chuckled, "I have noticed when you realized it last night."

"I guess I really was obvious then."

"Not really, just that, what you felt must have too intense that everything was written all over your face," he answered handing her a napkin to wipe the side of her lips.

"I did try though," she said.

"I know..."

She looked at him, her eyes filled with emotions.

Even though she does not feel the same way as he does, rejecting someone still causes one to have different emotions swimming in one's heart. After all, they were still friends and they fought side by side one another.

"I know Stormie. I know because I have seen it. You didn't flatly reject me but instead gave yourself time to see if there is a chance. And that is more than enough for me."

Stormie smiled, "I won't apologize then. Because I really did."

Felix nodded with a solemn look.

That's right, Stormie didn't gave him hints that he had a chance but she checked things on her own. She watched her own heart and that is enough effort from her, so why should she apologize?

"Let's continue to be friends then," he then said.

"I would not reject your offer."

She even extended her hand to give him a handshake.

Their beginning was a fight, a misunderstanding.

The next was acquaintance, after a needed apology they started learning who one another is.

What followed was him falling in love and trying his luck if he could have the chance.

Now, their ending is this.

A friendship that was still young but surely it will be a beautiful one.

Because the time they spent together in the past months that they were together, they saw different sides of one another that the rest didn't get to see.

Stormie's was the character that she does not usually show in front of those whom she grew up with because she already has a set character when interacting with them.

Felix's was a character that the others didn't know of because their time spent together wasn't as long as the time spent with Stormie.

They enjoyed their breakfast together not noticing that Nixon had come down and saw them before leaving the inn.

He was jealous yes, but he wanted a time for himself.

A time to think things through.

The others were on their own that no one saw him leave.

He walked towards the city center and arrived at the market place where so many people were present.

He understood the real truth behind his trauma and he wanted to understand himself better, will he be able to overcome it? Or will he remain like this for the rest of his life.

As he stood still on the side, he raised both hands and stared at them.

He could still remember the feeling of hugging Stormie without the thin layer of water in between them.

He could still remember the warmth that her body emits.

"Hi there!"

He looked up when he heard a high pitch voice right in front of him.

What welcomed him was a woman who was not short dressed but was not covering everything either.

She had make-up on her face and she was smiling at him.

"Do you realize where you are standing right now?" she asked.

It was still morning and when he looked up he blinked.

He was thinking of wanting to know if he could overcome his trauma or not but he has no desire of entering this kind of place either.

It was a place where lady dancers stay.

You know those places that are in a red district but that this place seemed to be of lesser boldness.

"I'm sorry," he apologized instantly as his whole face turned red.

"Wait there, young man," the woman called.

When he was again turned, he took a step back because she was too close.

He even felt his whole body wanting to walk farther away.

The woman smiled, not the least bit offended by his reaction.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. I just felt like you seemed to be so troubled. You can talk to elder sister here."

Nixon wanted to instantly say no but stopped himself.

The woman may be a part of that place but she looks respectable enough.

Even her eyes do not show any lust of some sort.

Something he was able to see ever since he was a child who had feared ladies.

The woman squinted her eyes before pointing at one side.

"Say, do you want to have some coffee?"

He turned to look at the side she was pointing at.

It was a cozy looking coffee shop, with big windows that showed the inside.

A simple design of light brown furniture with simple coffee themed designs.

"I think you really need to talk to some stranger right now," she added before smiling at him.

Nixon looked around and he couldn't see anyone looking at the lady with judgement in their eyes.

Which means she was not known for seducing or other negative things.

"Give me a moment, I just came out of work and so I am clothed a bit inappropriately for a coffee shop on broad daylight. I can tell you are thinking about that."

Before he could say a thing, the lady walked inside the building he was standing in front of a while ago.

He didn't understand why he actually waited but he did.

He waited for her to come out again, dressed in a turtle neck sweater with pants.

The make up was still there but it was no longer looking seductive due to the change in clothes.

"There, do you want to join me now?"

He blinked once again before gesturing for her to go ahead.

He can still feel his body reacting negatively because this is the first time he tried really standing close to a person of opposite sex.

But since the opportunity was already there, he wanted to take the first step at this moment.