CHAPTER 315: Tell Them I'm Sorry

"RAYNISHA!!!!" Vermilion Bird called out as he was close to being defeated by the darkness.

Raynisha who was about tyo lose it snapped out of her daze and realized that a sudden explosion came from Ardel after she had stabbed him.

The shock in his eyes was still clear to her, he didn't expect that she was decisive enough to actually stab her beloved the moment she realized what was wrong.

She turned to the children and found them unconscious.

That's also when he realized that Saphira was not within the group.

"Saphira!!" she called as she turned ignoring the changes that was occuring on her body.


Then she heard footsteps from behind.

When she turned a smile of relief instantly appeared on her face.

That same scene that Saphira had dreamt of at the beginning of the story.

"You're fine," Raynisha spoke in relief.

But her smile disappeared the moment she took a closer look on Saphira.

She was wounded all over and the feeling of her beast has disappeared.

"Fifi?" she asked.

Saphira who was still in shock slowly shook her head.

"Gone, Fifi is gone. But what is going on Raynisha? What is all of this?" she aske dlooking around.

At her unconscious friends and the bleeding elite squad. Then her eyes went to the pillar of darkness where she suppose, Ardel should have stood.

"Raynisha!!!" Vermilion Bird called out again.

The way the darkness was rampaging inside her, Vermilion Bird knew it was too late.

Raynisha understood this very well.

If she had done it a while ago when that feeling of something hatching just occured, then she would have a chance of surviving. But it is too late now, the darkness has spread all over her body, if she don't do anything then Vermilion Bird will be devoured as well.

"Saphira, take Vermilion Bird from me," she called out.

Saphira insatntly looked up after checking on Hunter and the others.

"What in the hellish world are you talking about?"

It was not only Saphira but even Vermilion Bird was stupefied by her words.

"I am telling you to get Vermilion Bird from me. Stab me and drink my blood."

Saphira angrily shook her head and with a dark face, "Stop joking around. We have no more time, we must get all of them out of here."

Seeing the miasma spreading rapidly, they really have no more time.

"Saphira listen to me, I have no more time. You must-"


Her child voice pierced through all the noises that was surrounding them.

"Do you realize what you are talking about?!?"

"I realize and that is why I need you to do it!!!"

She was close to losing it and Vermilion Bird was the same.


Seeing how adamant Saphira was in her decision, Raynisha remembered the book she burned.

It was about attaching strings of mana to someone who is weaker than you.

You can then control them and make them do your bidding even if they are miles apart.

The strings will never be cut off unless the caster cut it or the caster dies.

Even if the puppet was riddled with wounds, they will pull their bodies up to fight ass long as the caster makes them move.

The cruelty was what made her burn it at the height of her emotions.

She gritted her teeth.

"I'm sorry.'

After hearing her apology, Saphira was stunned when her body moved on its own.

She stood up adn faced Raynisha as she pulled out her sword.

"Are you doing this?" she asked in disbelief.

She had seen Raynisha writing a bood that should have been forbidded and she got the chance to read it when Raynisha was not looking.

"I'm sorry," Raynisha apologized again.

Tears instantly fell from Saphira's eyes as she understood what Raynisha was planning.

"No!!" she shook her head in a pleading tone.

"Please don't Raynisha. Don't do this," she cried.

Gone was the stubbornness.

Raynisha was also crying, "I'm sorry."

Saphira cried harder as her body approached Raynisha without her consent.

"No!!! Stop!!! STOP!!! STOP!!!"

She tried to fight it off but due to the fact that she had just lost Fifi, she couldn't do anything at all.

"RYANISHA!!!" she cried harder and harder.




She cried as she looked straight in Raynisha's eyes.

"Your cruel. Your so cruel."

"I know... I know... and I'm sorry. Sorry your elder sister is selfish."

SSaphira shook her head as the sword pierced deeper into Raynisha's body.

Then Raynisha placed her arm on Saphira's mouth.

"Hmmphh," she shook her head, her eyes still begging Raynisha to stop.

Then she felt her jaw move, her teeth biting on to Raynisha's flesh, drinking her blood.

The hot liquid entered her throat and she felt like her insides are being burned by it.

The heat was too much, soon she felt like her whole body was on fire.

Raynisha got close to her and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm sorry, I love you. Please tell mom and dad and our grandparents as well. Tell them I'm sorry."

'Please protect her. I am begging you, for the first and last time, vermilion Bird.'

Vermilion Bird's last piece of consciousness disappeared from within her and was transferred to Saphira.

Soon, Saphira fell unconscious due to the pain.

Raynisha used the last bit of her strength to envelope the seven of them in her fire before sending them to the water, close to where the others are waiting for their return.

She weakly turned to look at the darkness that was surrounding Ardel.

'So you really never returned to us.'

Then everything went black for her.

She felt really bad for her family, that this has to happen.

Most of all she felt bad for Saphira because the greatest burden was instead given to her.

Ardel, who was enveloped by darkness opened his eyes and looked at the now dead body of Raynisha.

He was trying to heal the wound he received from her.

He really didn't expect for her to be so decisive.

Every single time, he watched people stop from hurting those they love yet this person was the first.