CHAPTER 355: Not Just Her Though

Stormie and Willow covered their mouths.

They had completely forgotten about it and was filled with hatred.

Until the bitter end, Raynisha who never did anything, who protected them, actually apologized that they are be hurt.

Tears dropped from their eyes.

"Sorry... we're sorry," they repeatedly said.

Drake was crying harder than he ever did before because he remembered how Raynisha looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save him. I loved too much I couldn't hurt him."

It was not Raynisha's fault that Ardel became the host of the dark lord.

But she kept apologizing even though she was the only one who shouldn't have done so.

"I'm sorry," he cried.

Ardel continued shouting at the sight of Raynisha's death.

Saphira watched him and shook her head.

"You tried so hard to hide the fact that you are also not in control of your emotion. But you are aware that emotions could make us lose our own rationalities. That is why you had been attacking our emotions from the get go."

She started walking towards him, "You actually showed me how I can defeat you."

All this time, Saphira had been observing. How sure was he that emotions would truly affect them. How he had been attacking them emotionally, trying to break them.

In the end, it was he himself who showed her just how she can defeat him.

As his anger erupted, the miasma rushed towards the black dragon and both of them were engulfed by it.

"Lily!! Vermilion Bird!!" Saphira called.

Each returned to her, their powers combining with hers.

Her hair grew longer, her eyes glowed brighter, intricate golden linings appeared on her face like a tatoo.

Wings grew behind her back as her snow white skin was covered with glitters of golden color.

She looked even more ethereal now.

Hunter and the rest couldn't help but to close their eyes.

She is too bright for them.

Too bright in a room filled with darkness.

Once the dark miasma disappeared around the dark lord and the dragon, the dark lord was gone.

Only the black dragon remained.

Saphira looked at it, she can tell that the two has combined.

And this one is nothin but a beast who only knows how to attack.

The dragon roared as he rushed towards her. Saphira flung her sword ready to counter its attack.

The battle caused tremors on the whole land.

Not just the empire but even the rest of the kingdoms and empires in that land felt it.

The wave of the ocean became stronger as if a tsunami was coming.

And these tremors even reached the other lands.

The whole sky turned dark and thunders and lilightnings could be seen.

It felt ominous that most people could only look up and pray for this to pass.

Saphira waved her hand towards Hunter and the rest and a bright light enveloped them.

When they opened their eyes, they were already above ground.

Their parents and grandparents, the heads of the seven families, were looking at them in shock.

"Why are you here?" Asherton asked them after not seeing Saphira with them.

"The battle was too intense, she chose to send us away," Hunter replied looking up in the sky.

It seems to be a battle between the greatest of beings that them mortals could not get involve.

Seeing his look, Asherton knew that she pushed them out in order for them not to get involved in the battle.

Ferdinand approached Drake, "Are you okay?"

Drake nodded his head, "I just remembered something."

Each of them looked back at the imperial prison that are now in ruins.

Yes, it has been in ruins since a while ago, the tremors caused it to collapse. It seems that it was Saphira's barrier that was allowing the place they were in a while ago not to sink in.

'I will wait for you,' Hunter thought.

They all silently waited for the outcome of the battle.

Saphira couldn't say that it was an easy battle but the beast without a mind of its own was easier to defeat than a person who can think and plan.

She swiped her hand on her sword and it shone bright before becoming longer and bigger.

"It is time for this dark lord to rest," she whispered rushing towards the humungous dragon.

Her sword pierced through it reaching its core where Ardel's body rests.

Bright light shone piercing through the ground and up in the sky.

Slowly the dark clouds disappeared and the sun shone down. The tremors ceased and the surrounding felt better.

The people who are waiting outside, felt this warm feeling the war against darkness is finally over.

Meanwhile Saphira found herself in another space.

It was dark adn she couldn't see anything until a sudden force pulled her by the arm.

She found herself being embraced by two pairs of arms.

She blinked and looked up.

"We met again."

Saphira's eyes went wide, "Raynisha?!?!"

"Not just her though."

Her shock grew further when she heard that familiar gentle voice.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at his smiling face.

There was doting and gentleness, that same look all of them always received whenever they are being berated by Raynisha in the past.

"B- Brother Ardel," she cried as she hugged him again.

She felt like she was dreaming.

She never felt any light coming from Ardel's body. That is why she never expected that a piece of Ardel was still there.

"There, there, you fought real hard," Ardel patted her on the back.

"Can you stay a bit longer?" Saphira asked.

Ardel and Raynisha looked at one another.

Then he looked back at her, "With your current state we can but it might drain you."

Saphira looked confused.

"You are now the embodiment of light, of life. You can support our souls for a bit longer before all your mana and energy will be drained. It won't affect your life but it will surely be draining."

Saphira chuckled in tears, "I don't care. If it's for them I can give all my mana."

"You truly are a beautiful one," Ardel complimented referring to her heart.