
He shut the window close in preparation to have a night's rest. After drawing the curtains, he proceeded to the bed.

The ceiling fan was rolling already, and it was more than enough to lurk the heat away. But most times, he wished he was living in an upper-floor apartment always to keep the windows opened. The night breeze sure did have a better effect than the fan.

He had just closed his eyes to drift to sleep when he suddenly felt a gust of wind in the room. His eyes went open in an instant, and he sat upright. Thankfully he wasn't one to sleep with the lights off, and this attitude started ever since he began witnessing the eeriness of life.

Directing his gaze to the window, he wondered where the gust of wind had blown from when he had shut the window close. That was no ordinary wind. It was an active one. And he knew this because the fan wasn't rolling so fast to carry that kind of current.