I sped off to the first lake, Lake Watterson. When I got there, I barked out my scuba mode "Arf, Scuba". It turned to a mini scuba and I went underwater to find any clues. Then I saw something diving right towards me.
Athen: "Hey Zuma. Ryder told me to come and help you out". Athen said through the comms. "Great" I said. "Let's go".
One hour later... (Zuma's Badge)
Me and Athen decided to split up to cover more ground or water. Lol. So on my side of the lake, I didn't see nothing except starfishes and baby tadpoles. "Aw... There soooo cute!!"
Athen: "Yeah, there are!!" He shocked me. "Athen, you scared me out of my bones." "Oops! Sorry Zuma. Find anything?" "No but I saw some cute tadpoles and starfish." "Same with me. This pond is full of them. I didn't find anything either." "Okay dude then let's go to the next lake. Lake Latope." We both got on our rides and heading towards the next lake.
I called Ryder on the way.
Ryder: "Hey Zuma, find anything?" " No. But we did see some cute tadpoles and starfishes. Me and Athen are on our way to Lake Latope." "Great! Call if you find anything" "We will". And we both hanged up and headed to Lake Latope.