Chapter 1

It all happened so suddenly. The world wasn't prepared for the attack of such creatures. On the year of 2030, the signs of a different life form invading earth his humanity without mercy. It started as a normal invasion. People running around in fear, buildings and streets collapsed, life wasn't as how many knew it to have once been.

The governments around the world began sending their top countries army squad to fight back, but there was one problem. They couldn't see the creatures that were causing the apocalypse. Nobody was able to work out its appearance at first but after long, the military of Russia discovered that by using heat vision, they could make out a tall and lanky figure of one of the creatures. Its image was sent worldwide and the humans began calling them, 'Nothing Beast'. And they didn't seem to stop coming.

The beasts could be touched and seen at the right angle of the sun. But besides that, there was no way to identify it. The NothingBeasts made no sounds nor did they smell. They just walked throughout the streets of the world, destroying everything mankind built.

One day, a mysterious professor came up with a blueprint, and anonymously explained the usages. Apparently, the NothingBeasts were just images that could touch real things but only imagination displays could damage it. Thus, with that information intact, the international mechanics went to work and in no time they managed to build a helmet contraption that could display a person's thoughts into solid form to fight the NothingBeasts, which was known as the TMS. The front-liners were sent a helmet each to fight but something was off. It wasn't working.

After further investigations, a mechanical lecturer discovered that the stronger one's imagination, the stronger the weapons that would be created to fight. Thus, there was a panic to pull back their soldiers to find a proper user.

Unfortunately, only half of the frontlines managed to return to their bases alive. Most of them were majorly injured and humanity was forced back to hiding for now.

"We are unable to act for now," the American president announced on the international news frequency. "The military and government will be recruiting underage students with high creativity inability to test our latest weapons. With enough volunteers, we'll be able to fight back for our beloved land!"

And as said, across the world, the military snuck into hideouts with the helmet weapons that were currently being mass-produced in an underground facility on Pearl Harbor. Kids from the age of ten to twenty were tested to see their capabilities and that was when the main five appeared.

The first appeared in Sweden. IKEA headquarters was currently the largest survivor center in the world. The military had entered through the parking lot and met up with around 2,000 students, all from different schools. They were divided into groups of fifty each and were told to try on the helmet. Their task was simple. They had to imagine anything and the special users would be sent to Pearl Harbor's hidden facility for training.

So in each group, the soldiers were divided and the testing began. The tests were handled silently and many weren't as good as expected. Most of the kids had little fate in the machine and thought negatively that nothing would turn right again. And disaster struck.

A few of the NothingBeasts had noticed the military's entrance and were positioned in front of the glass walls, trying to look inside. The students were in plain sight and some began freaking out in fear. At that moment, a young fifteen-year-old boy had worn the contraption for his turn. When his eyes met the creatures' figure that shone with the help of the natural light source, his pupas diluted and he felt a tingle in his fingers.

His body moved n its own as he lifted his arm and splayed out his fingers, causing something to form in front of their eyes, blocking the NothingBeasts from their line of sight. They all heard a tremendous crash and when he lowers his hands, they gasped at the sight in front of them.

A huge building as long as the Eiffel Tower laid on the crushed NothingBeasts, causing them to thrash in pain and shock. The soldiers took that moment to escape back to the underground parking lot but Sergeant Chris noticed the boy who had done it all.

"What's your name?" he asked the curly brunet that stood staring at the wall in complete astonishment.

The boy turned his head to face the elder man and his lips were curled into a rare smile as he answered, "I'm Lewis Caulfer!"


The second special teen appeared in Paris, France. In the large glass pyramid, the military stood in shock at the sight witnessed before them. The first girl that volunteered to try on the helmet stood in front of the glass walls, staring at the approaching creatures and took one step back. It all happened so fast, they weren't sure if it was real.

The girls' step was only a small thing but plants and thorny vines grew rapidly and trailed out the small slits in the vents before trapping the NothingBeasts that had tried to advance on them. They struggled with the thick ropes but natures force increased and tightened up until it squeezed them shut, completely butchering them.

The soldiers slowly exited the building to get everything on camera but to their surprise, the corpses just vanished into thin air. They returned into the shelter and as the others were tested, the Commander General approached the blonde girl.

She looked mature and held herself with pride Her beautiful hair was shoulder length and slightly tied loosely. She was staring those beautiful turquoise eyes at her feet in amazement and when he asked for her name, she took a small step around before meeting his intense glare.

"My name is Fleur Dressler," she said softly while the vines slowly disappeared from the walls. "I'm a graduate."


In Greek, many wouldn't believe when the third teenager appeared. She was casually sipping on her water bottle while reading a Readers Digest regarding the wildfire in the Amazons when her turn came. She let the soldiers equip the TMS and her mind began thinking vaguely, 'Why doesn't the US send their prisoners to keep the forest clean? Then maybe they could avoid this incident…' She was about to commence the test when the Coliseum they sheltered in shook at a massive impact and she caught sight of three ten-foot-tall NothingBeasts.

Students and survivors squealed in fear and began running around for safety, but the brunette just stood there, facing the evil creatures before a thought hit her. 'The tornado that's wavering around California had dispersed… I wonder what happens if-' Her words of thought came to a halt when a replica of the enormous tornado came crashing down in front of the shelter, completely catching them off guard and the girl watched it suck the NothingBeasts with ease.

She smiled when the threat had been dealt with and was about to smile at the soldiers for a reward when the shelter roof came ripping off by the strong gushes of wind. She stared at the bare open ceiling before grinning, "Opps, am I to pay for that?"

The leader of the Greek soldiers stepped forward with a look of travesty and asked her quickly, "Who in the world are you?"

She ruffled her brown shoulder-length hair before answering, "I'm Petra Dominic!"


In Seoul, South Korea, the largest shopping center was turned to the main shelter for the test. Students from around the neighboring towns were gathered alongside the soldiers and each was given the same task. A young male adult sat under a huge shadow, strumming his guitar while memories flashed through his mind. 'If only I warned them about those… those Beasts. Maybe they would still be alive…' He recalled the misfortune that hit his bandmates as a NothingBeast emerged from an alleyway and killed them all. He had run away without thinking of their safety.

That boy's name was soon called and he pushed himself up, dragging his guitar case over his limp shoulders while staring blankly at the helmet the soldiers had prepared for him. 'I'm supposed to wear that and imagine anything? What's the point?' He lazily sat down on the plastic chair and closed his eyes. His heart clenched at the memory of crowd cheers but his concentration was cut short when a piercing scream caught them all off guard.

The NothingBeasts had caught sight of the many students and began surrounding them, picking any strayed kids to attack. The soldiers tried using their artillery but none of those could damage the NothingBeasts. The boy suddenly thought back of his friends and his hands moved by its own, strumming a high core. The sound waves rippled through the air; forming into a true form that actually pushed them back. To his surprise, they fled in seconds and the remaining survivors crowded to congratulate him.

The leader of the military squad had pushed his way through the thick crowd and held up a chart of names before asking, "What's your name, boy?"

He gingerly held his guitar to his chest and muttered softly, "I-I'm Park Hong Gil."


The final chosen child was among the Asian candidates. She was just a quiet girl, scribbling away on a thick notebook, taking to thought with their task. Sure the world was ending but she took that as a sign to write everything she could think of before her death.

When her name came up, it surprised everyone when it slipped onto her head. The results were massive to not notice and everyone gasped. Shock filled their minds when a snowflake hit their nose. They were currently hiding in the independence stadium in Malaysia; the hottest country on the face of Earth having been located on the Khatulistiwa line. The snow wasn't something normal, in fact; it completely shook the survivors. Some took it as a sign of God saying the End was near; some saw it as a miracle.

But the leader among the soldiers had found the source of the amazing display of imagination and approached the female Muslim. She wore a plain black double-layered hijab and a casual checkered button-up. A mask that she pulled slightly down to talk to the man in confusion concealed her face. "What's happening?"

"Y-You're Zuriana Binti Abdul Razak?" He asked after glancing at the checklist by the desk.

"Also known as Yukiho, the novel-world prodigy," she added with a nod. "Nice to meet you, sir. Care to explain anything?"

He just laughed in amazement. "You'll be our heroine for sure, ma'am."