Chapter 4

Dr Nickilopus sat in the middle of the meeting room, beside a man in a tight tuxedo. He looked nervously at the stranger who looked older than him by a few years. When he met the other arriving figure, he finally let out a breath of relief and began speaking, "My name is Dr Nickilopus Van Hugh. I'm a scientist undergoing a study in brain recalibration on imagination deployments and image sequences."

"Can you speak in English, please?" Lewis interrupted for the better. The man gave him a bemused smile before nodding.

"I've been thinking of recreating my family in a display only I could see in a matter of when I want to and where I plan to," simplified the man while taking in the looks of understanding in their gazes.

"Then why didn't you pursue that in the Department of Biological Substance Recalibration and Justice?" Erika questioned while pushing up her glasses in confusion.

Dr Nickilopus sweated nervously before answering, "My wife and son died already. I can't recreate something gone. That would go against the laws of Scientific Logic and Injustice and I would be facing an entire lawsuit by the time I accomplished my aim." He glanced at the others before adding, "If my family was seen, wouldn't that bring questions? So I wanted to make them temporary exist for my joy and prosperity. B-But…"

The man in the tux clicked his tongue in frustration before huffing, "And then your assistant stole your machine and created this entire apocalypse. Thus, you sent us the same blueprints to atone for your mistakes, and hope we won't charge you. Am I correct?"

Before Dr Nickilopus could reply, Fleur bravely stepped forward and glared at the tux-man before saying, "He's grieving the loss of his family. The least we could do is thank him for not wanting to spread it, right? You yourself stated the assistant stole it so he wasn't a part of this disaster."

Lewis and Petra joined her with firm looks and he huffed while his hand slowly lowered. Zuriana noticed his movements and quickly activated the earpiece from training before lifting a palm at him dangerously. All movement came to a halt at her actions and she gave him a death glare.

"I don't think that's a good idea, sir," she spoke softly. "If you threaten them with a gun, you go against us all including me. And I don't hold back to those who hurt my friends."

The trio smiled at her words. It was the first time she had entitled them as friends. She gave them a small smile in return before continued the stare battle. He raised his hands in a surrender gesture, obtaining a gasp from Erika and a look of surprise from Kousuke.

The Japanese boy grabbed her shoulder and leaned into her ear before hissing, "Lower your hand Zuriana or you'll be in big trouble."

"He planned to point a gun at Fleur, Lewis, and Petra. I'm up against a single gunned man with the magic-based imagination 'number two' soldier backing me up. I'm not scared," she said while nodding at Hong Gil who had also activated his earpiece. "So don't tell me to hold back, Tadahiro-san."

Ignoring her formalities like usual, Kousuke gulped anxiously before muttering softly to her, "That's our boss, you dolt. General Jordan Husk from the Secret Service under the White House. It'll do us all a favour to not fight him."

As the words sunk in, Kousuke took a step back, expecting her to also lower her hand and apologize. But to everyone's astonishment, she didn't hesitate to shoot a blast right by his ear, slicing a wire that connected his hidden microphone to a recorder in his chest pocket. Zuriana didn't back down at all.

"Impressive, young one," he chortled before tossing his gun away to Zuriana's feet and crossed his arms. "Despite knowing my position, you still fight to protect your own beliefs. That'll get you very far, Miss Abdul Razak."

"Apologies, General Husk," she muttered while lowering her own palm. "You need us as much as we need you to protect us right now. So let's drop this mutiny and call it even for now. I believe Dr Nickilopus can help us and including him in the search of the main base will be an advantage."

The man accepted her idea before glancing at Erika and Kousuke with a rare smile. "I like how they're growing. Keep up the good work. If I see more improvement, I might even consider dropping all your charges," he chuckled before leaving with a wave of his hand.

Erika grit her teeth at his words and swiftly dragged Dr Nickilopus away, leaving the confused five and a flushed Kousuke. When the door closed, the five teens faced Kousuke with questioning looks.

"What did he mean by that, Kousuke?" Fleur asked. "What charges are you against? Who are you actually?"

The silent reaction made them realize one thing. He wasn't someone they should be with. He's someone even he won't talk about. With a short apology, he turned around and walked into a dark hallway.


Kousuke was walking down the hallway while memories began ringing through his mind like it all happened just yesterday. His fists clenched and unclenched as scenes of bloody rooms filled his mind. 'I was the worse… I shouldn't even be alive.' But his words came to a stop when he heard footsteps. They ended right behind him and he turned to encounter the stranger, only to swiftly react at a tossed can.

With the beverage in hand, he inspected it slowly. 'Nescafe Latte?' He lowered the drink and his gaze shifted to the person who threw it.

"A change of assassination technique? Interesting," chuckled the Japanese in amusement. "I'm assuming you didn't come here to buy me a drink."

The Muslim stared at him for a moment before nodding, "If you aren't going to answer Fleur's question, I thought maybe you'll consider mine. What is your true position in this association?"

Pulling the ring off with a quick tug of his fingertip, he traced his fingertip at its sharp rim and smiled at the stinging pain. 'I never thought she would be the one to ask.' "What if I said my job was to join you five and kill you all once this is all over?"

Zuriana's eyes widen at his statement and she steadied herself. Her mind was racing any possible explanations but nothing came into mind. 'He doesn't seem to be lying… Then, does the military hope to keep this all quiet to avoid this happening again?' A droplet of sweat trailed down her cheek in anticipation and they stood frozen for a moment before he said, "That is my answer, Miss. Razak. But how you react will determine our friendship."

He slowly ruffled his hair and Zuriana noticed him click something at his ear, making her jump back. She had thought he would attack her physically but a sudden emotion burst inside her gut, causing her to drop to her knees and cough blood. 'T-This is-'

"Yes, you're sharp," he smiled shortly before approaching the fallen girl and kneeled down to her level. "I'm a fugitive with the imagination involving one's emotion. I'm the number six of your squad, Tachibana Kousuke."

Realization struck her like a lightning strike and she trembled. "N-No way," she gulped. "The fifteen-year-old homicidal psychopath in Japan? You killed six people in your apartment and set the place on fire, before laughing in the middle of it. Only you survived. I-I should've noticed the burn mark at the nape of your neck."

"You know the news well for a Malaysian, Miss Razak," complimented the male while ruffling her hijab, wreaking its figure. "Do you always read the Japanese news?"

"F-For r-research," she spluttered before her lips suddenly curled upwards, making the colour drain from his expression. "B-But there's something you miscalculated, Tachibana-san."

Before he could react, he felt the world spin and the Zuriana in front of his eyes vanished before he felt a sharp blade press onto his bare neck. Everything froze in time as she hushed, "I'm the number one among the six. Once I have the TMS on, I'm practically invincible."

He waited for her own judgment to take true justice, but the cold metal left his neck, leaving a small scar. Before he could speak, she stated, "But you are currently our number six and we need you. I need you. So I can't kill you for now. But there will be precautions taken. Do you understand?"

He listened carefully to her words before nodding and smiled, "Arigatou, Zuriana."