Chapter 10 (End of Vol. 1)

World peace spread around at lightning speed across every country and mankind celebrated their fortune in many different ways. The Christians held night-long parties in bars, Buddhists sacrificed animals to their gods, Hindus visited theirs alters to pray while the Muslims met up in mosques. Everyone was relieved that the NothingBeast incident was over but nobody knew the truth behind everything.

The NHA decided to disband, seeing how there were no NothingBeasts to hunt. General Husk returned to America for his medal of honour. The six teens were also invited but they had plans of their own. After getting a free pass out of prison, Kousuke sat in his cell, facing his box. He was finally being let out for a retrial while under the care of his friends. Sure he had no relatives that would even try to reclaim him and help in the retrials but he didn't need them. He had his friends and they were really powerful.

Fleur had returned to her family florist, where a limousine and the royal family hurrying over with wide smiles greeted her. Apparently, her father was a banished child of the royal French family and they decided to accept her back after her achievement. She was given a free rein to do whatever she wished so she asked for only one thing; their cooperation in the Tachibana Kousuke retrial. They were forced to do so seeing how they promised.

Petra Dominic was welcome back at Greek with the natural climate team begging for her point of view in the weather changing during the match against the NothingBeasts. Her reputation skyrocketed until she was the vice-president of the International Weather Protection Association (A.KA IWPA). With that power in her hand, she was given access to the NASA weather satellites for previous weather movements. It helped in the retrial to find out any suspicious actions in the past from Kousuke's former neighbours.

Lewis Caulfer was given the title of Architecture Prodigy as he aided his father in the IKEA main designing stations. With that, he was able to spread the word regarding Kousuke's retrial and get people to believe in the truth. His word was spread throughout with everyone's agreement, seeing how he wasn't the one to lie. His father and mother opened a donation campaign to collect funds in the research and (if the worst-case scenario came up) rebellion against the court.

Hong Gil was accepted into the biggest International rock company after a by-passer spread his song during the battle against the NothingBeasts. Apparently, the bystander heard his solo singing and soundtrack, thus uploading it online and his popularity jumped to a whole new level. In his concerts that were immediately set up to raise the spirit, he told the public his best friend's case in court and called out for the public to support him as he personally would defend his friend in court.

And last but now least, Zuriana who currently sat in the waiting room. She had personally taken the full privilege of Kousuke until the retrials with the agreement of her family and friends. She finally managed to tell her parents about her dreams and goals in life. They had accepted it in the sight of her new courage and let her set up her own life in an apartment a few blocks away from their house. They had promised to keep in touch after she took in Kousuke.

She twitched in her plastic seat, nervously awaiting the elder boy. After the entire incident, they were all immediately sent to the nearest hospital. That was where they began planning Kousuke's retrials after the NHA saw the six as heroes. At first, they just planned to support him in small forces but now they could help in a massive amount. The only one who felt out was Zuriana and they had a small moment at the hospital.

The Muslim sat on her bed, facing the open window that let her see the shining city. Lights were like stars and she couldn't go to sleep. When Kousuke noticed her still awake, he silently approached her and took her side by the window. She jolted at his sudden appearance but soon calmed down. After everything they had gone through, she saw him as a brother like the rest and didn't mind the small things like not wearing a hijab.

Her hair was something Kousuke never imagined even with the TMS. Zuriana had wavy oak brown hair the reached her shoulders. It curled at the tips, giving it a fluffy bouncy look, and shielded her right eye ever so slightly. It made her look lovely, but the boy wasn't going to say that out loud.

"Can't sleep?" he asked softly, not wanting the others to see them side-by-side. He knew the teasing would never cease now that they had nothing better to do.

"Y-Yeah," she stuttered.

He noticed her shift uncomfortably and when he turned his gaze to her, he saw her try to speak but once more her words got stuck in her throat. Tears welled up like before and she lowered her head in disgrace. Kousuke frowned at her insecurity before gently pulling her by the shoulder to his chest and patted her soft hair.

"I-I'm still technically your counsellor in NHA right now, so you can tell me if there's anything you want to talk about," stated the male while looking at the glowing moon.

She stilled for a moment before her voice came back and she spoke softly in his chest, "I want to help you, Kousuke. But I'm not as wealthy as Fleur, or powerful like Lewis, Petra, and Hong Gil. What can I do?"

He let her sit up straight and faced her with a look of concern. If there were anything that could worsen her state of mind, it would be her thinking she couldn't be of any help. He racked his mind for an answer and it soon came to him. His smile widens and he sheepishly scratched his neck before saying, "Well, there is something right now…"

She straightened up in her bed and looked at him with wide cute eyes. She was eager to help in any way possible. This made a chuckle escape Kousuke's lips at the sight and he finally answered, "I need somewhere to stay until my retrials. I don't want to stay in the prison of course but to be in custody means under someone the second party could trust. And technically you're invincible with a TMS, right?"

The colour in her face changed from pale white to bright pink in seconds before she stared at him in disbelief. Her mouth gaped open to say something but only an awkward gurgling voice came out and she closed it with a red face. He chuckled at the sight before shaking his head, "It's okay. I can live under Fleur or Hong Gil if you-"

To his surprise, she began crying and he jumped to his feet, concern building up in his gut. "W-What's wrong, Zuriana? Are you in pain?"

"Y-You idiot," she sniffed softly. "I… I want to help… You can't just push that offer away to someone else…"

He froze in his spot with a blush creeping up his cheeks before he stuttered, "Are you saying, y-you wouldn't mind putting up with me until my retrials?"

An awkward silence filled the air around them until she nodded and looked away while muttering, "I'm eighteen so renting an apartment isn't illegal and I-I don't mind putting up with a former counsellor. W-We could open a counselling centre for traumatized people of Malaysia and I could c-cook for y-you…"

He let her explanation sink into the silence before he grinned anxiously as if she was joking. "I-Is this a confession, Zuriana? Cause if not, you seriously sound-"

But Kousuke was forced to stop at the sight of her red nodding head and he could hear his heart beating like mad. 'Wait, SHE IS CONFESSING?' He watched her lift her head and look at him with wide eyes before saying, "I-I like you, Kousuke…"

The Japanese boy stared at her for a while and was about to nod and reply until the curtains were ripped open and the rest came in with cameras and they ended that moment.

Sure she had confessed to Kousuke and all but Zuriana couldn't believe how fast they processed from archenemies to lovers. Her head whipped upwards at the beep of the opening gate and her smile widen at the sight of the Japanese counsellor.

"So, where to, Zuri-nee chan?" He joked before getting caught off guard at her plummeting into his strong arms. He let her settle in his hold, ignoring the amused looks from the prison guards, before finally reasking, "Though, seriously, Zuriana. Where to?"

She took a moment to wipe away the tears before letting him follow her to her car while she considered her options. Her car wasn't much and she waited for him to strap in before pulling out a list.

"We could go check on the others, firstly," she began while turning on the engine and letting the heater warm them up from the Japanese weather. "Fleur is chill with us hanging at her place since her parents want your statement for the retrials. We could also check out Lewis who's currently at Hong Gil's place in Korea. Those two are dating behind the scenes. Or-,"

Zuriana was caught off guard when Kousuke pressed his hand over her own on the gear and gave her a sheepish smile. She kept quiet, waiting for his words, and he eventually asked, "What about you keeping your promise?"

She took a moment to process his words before the memory hit her with a gentle smile and she nodded. "Sure thing. Are you sure you're interested in visiting the Kaaba? It's not much..."

"Well, you said it's lovely," he countered while pulling out his phone and messaging the group chat. "I'm sure everyone is up for it."

She watched him happily message the group and reply to a few messages before locking the gear into place and pressing the pedal to begin their journey. She was looking forward to her new adventures. They barely made five feet away from the prison when an explosion erupted and she sighed heavily before handing him a small device.

"Remember how to use these, Number Six?" She asked while pressing one hand on her earpiece and cranking the gear to reverse.

Kousuke accepted the machine and casually activated it, changing the radio station to one of Hong Gil's famous tracks before chuckling, "Let's show them hell, Number One!"

The prison guards were struggling in fear of the escapees when a wave of confidence shook them to their core and they stepped back as the old Honda swirled to let the driver seat face them and two palms locked onto the prison. Together, the duo grinned and activated their TMS in unison. A force brushed the interior, forcing the prisoners back into their cells and the guards watched as the place was cleaned, the bars were unrusted and their weapons were ready in their arms.

"Make sure none of them escape," she called out before pressing onto the accelerator and driving off. Zuriana watched from the mirror as the guards waved them farewell before turning to grin at her partner. He had the same stupid grin he used whenever she was around.

"And this is why I'm sacredly in love with you, Miss Razak," he pointed out while leaning an elbow out the window.

Her eyes twinkled in the sunlight as she replied, "Likewise, Mr Tachibana." Her gaze returned to the road while they bobbed their heads to the music and she muttered under her breath, "Likewise..."

The End