Selling the Vegetables

The water supply was refilled and the water tank enlarged. Chen Xin felt like he got the help he needed, and solved his emergency shortage problem.

He could get water from the water pump whenever he needed it so he did not need to worry about water shortages anymore.

He did have a recycling system for water that could transform air into purified water, but he could not achieve a pure vacuum state like a space station. Therefore the success rate was not always 100%. Truthfully, it was already impressive that the recycling system could reach a 90% success rate.

Each recycled round indicated a 10% wastage. Three tons of water was nothing because according to statistics, an average Vermillion citizen would use 130-300 liters of water each day. That would amount to 4 to 10 tons of water used each month.

That was excluding the water used for the greenhouse farm.

Chen Xin figured he would last a month before he had any water shortage issues since he was saving up hard.

However, he now had a water pump and a big water tank that could store eight tons of water. Chen Xin could finally use water more liberally. He felt like he was living like an astronaut before this. He would only use a wet towel to wash his face every day and whenever he took a bath, he would wet his body and lather up with soap, then wash it off in one go and would hurriedly turn off the water pipe.

Chen Xin felt confident that his living conditions had increased.

He believed his daily round-up would increase by at least 1 point.

Chen Xin turned off the water pump after the tank had been filled. Then he continued to water the plants in the greenhouse farm.

The farm was built in mind with feeding just him alone so it was modestly sized. 

Chinese cabbages and cabbages took a month to grow. When Chen Xin harvested the vegetables, he realized there was too much and he might not be able to finish it.

Chen Xin did not know how much he harvested because he did not have a scale.

He roughly had at least a hundred cabbages, excluding the other vegetables. He used half of the farm for planting carrots too.

If he ate a head of cabbage every day, it would last him half a year.

Chen Xin felt like he could finish it even if the cabbages were well preserved.

He decided to keep part of it and trade the rest to others.

It was his initial plan, after all. Chen Xin needed to step outside the bunker and check on the apocalyptic world.

He stored the vegetables in a big plastic container and thought about how to deal with the vegetables.

The big plastic container was set aside in the bunker, it was originally placed there to store items but Chen Xin realized there were not any items left to store. He did not expect to use it like this but it served the purpose.

Chen Xin estimated the number of cabbages while storing it in the container.

He had about eighty heads of Chinese cabbages. He placed them in two different containers, it seemed like it was about 300 to 400 grams. Chen Xin had around one-and-a-half-container-worth of cabbages, it was about 200 grams.

The Chinese cabbages that Chen Xin planted were the fast-growing type. It was grown in a room with a specific temperature too, so it was fat and healthy. Chen Xin could eat a head of Chinese cabbage for a week.

A Chinese cabbage could be stored for up to three to four months at a chilled temperature.

Chen Xin stored one container of Chinese cabbages and half a container of cabbages in his storeroom. He moved the rest to the garage, preparing it for trading.

He scratched his head when he placed it in his storeroom. Chen Xin felt like it was time to upgrade his storeroom, he should put it on his list too.

Chen Xin stored mineral water and self-heating food in his storeroom, so there was no need for a refrigerator when he built this bunker.

However, he had to consider it as an issue after he harvested the vegetables.

Chinese cabbages could last for a while, but cabbages would be moldy after a few days.

Chen Xin needed a refrigerator or a chiller.

Some might say to place the vegetables outside since the temperature outside the bunker was freezing, right? Doing that would only end up damaging the vegetables. Moreover, the vegetables might freeze till it was rock hard, rendering them inedible.

Also, it might not be freezing outside!

Since the bunker was underground, he would have felt the cold in the bunker if it were freezing outside.

Soil would spread temperature slowly. A temperature was not as easy to read if it were taken underground, but temperature changes from the surface would still spread underground eventually.

According to scientists, being a thousand meters underground would have a temperature increase of 25 degrees celsius. Every hundred meters after that would have a temperature increase of 3 degrees celsius.

Chen Xin was not feeling very cold. He would wear a single layer long sleeve shirt and a jacket.

It was not hot in the bunker either. The vegetables might last for a while, but even if the temperature was cool, the vegetables still would not be well-preserved unless he had a refrigerator. It seemed like it was necessary if he wanted to better store food.

Thankfully, it was the apocalypse. He could probably easily trade fresh vegetables to someone with an extra refrigerator. He might be able to trade other resources too.

Chen Xin was ready to step outside the bunker.