chapter 33-the robbers are here to see the concert

" xiao meng, it's my fault. i shouldn't have broken up with you because of that. as long as you forgive me, you can hit me or scold me however you want! "

After that, Wang Qiang grabbed Wang Meng's hand and gave himself another slap!

"f * ck! That's good!"

ye feng was stunned by wang qiang's actions.

He didn't expect this blockhead to have such a trick up his sleeve!

originally, ye feng estimated that wang mengmeng would need at least a week to forgive wang qiang.

Now, it seemed that he would forgive her without a third slap!

As expected.

just as wang qiang was about to continue, wang meng flung her hand away and said in tears, "

Wang Qiang, remember this. You're only allowed to do this once. If you dare to mention breaking up again, I'll never forgive you!

"little dream, don't worry. i promise i won't do it again. if i don't treat you well in the future, i'll be punished by the heavens!"