Chapter 59-respect as gods and devils

"the man finally couldn't take it anymore and broke up with me!"

the woman is unwilling. She warned the man that if he dares to break up with her, she will kill him!

" the man also knew that the woman was an assassin. he was terrified and didn't dare to mention breaking up again! "

" after that, the woman carried out a major mission and spent three months to complete it. however, she was also seriously injured and had to recuperate for half a year! "

" after she disappeared for such a long time, the man met another woman he liked. in order to avoid the female killer's pursuit, the man and the woman he liked changed their names and hid in the countryside! "

" the female assassin's injuries were healed, but when she returned, she found that the man was missing. she looked around, but in the sea of people, even if she was a top assassin, it was difficult to find a person who was hiding from her! "