Mech VS monster

"Where did this mecha come from?"

ye feng looked at the mecha in the video curiously, he could feel that this mecha was not ordinary, it was definitely not something that could be made with the current technology.

boss, the mecha's owner's name is Lin Jun. He's 23 years old and has graduated with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Rivertown.

The moment Lin Jun was exposed to the public, Galaxy had already found detailed information about him.

This information was very ordinary. It was just an ordinary undergraduate student, the kind that could be easily found in a crowd.

"lin jun?"

" there's an 80 to 90 percent chance that he's a lucky pig trotter, and there's a high chance that he has a system! "

ye feng had a guess in his heart.

This was because Galaxy didn't find any records of Lin Jun buying a large amount of mecha materials, yet Lin Jun was able to build such a large mecha without being noticed.