Controlling the Five Elements, Two Girls in Danger

Ling'er's Arcana?

That was right!

Just as he left the training camp, Ling Jiu had secretly copied Yang Ling'er's Arcana, the Five-Element Manipulation!

Controlling the five elements meant controlling gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. That meant, from today onwards, Ling Jiu could manipulate metals, plants, water, fire, and earth!

One, two, three, four, five...

It was equivalent to having four extra Arcanas, and that meant that five of the seven special substances he had would now come in handy. The silver metal that killed the Morton Monitor earlier was one of them.


A few minutes later, Ling Jiu came to the second Class 6 Direbeast, and with a flick of his finger, the razor-sharp alloy spear once again pierced through the head of the Class 6 Direbeast, pinning its carcass to the ground.

"Hehehe, it's so easy to use! I've finally experienced Magneto's power for the first time!"


