Who Is Ling Jiu, Rocking the House

The voice was not loud, but it sounded quite abrupt in the relatively silent surroundings.

All the arcanists followed the voice and saw a trainee wearing an air filter mask hovering in the air, quietly watching them.

"Who is this guy? He is so arrogant!"

"There's nothing we can do with the beast. How will he succeed?"

Francis and Han Chujun frowned as they looked at Ling Jiu. They found this person familiar and looking like Ling Jiu, but they were not so sure since he was wearing an air filter mask.

"What? No one is talking? Well, this beast is mine then!"

Ling Jiu moved in a flash and appeared above the Centipede Dragon, from where he looked down at the beast that everyone was helpless against.

"He is quick! Is this Blink Arcana?"

Francis's heart missed a beat.

"Blink Arcana?" Han Chujun was taken aback. "This voice... and Blink... Ling Jiu, are you Ling Jiu?"