Two Forces, Four Technologies

"Coming-of-Age Ceremony?"

Everyone was stunned. 

1269 explained, "The grievances between the Ayang-Braend Clan and Xenomorphs have been going on for ages, or rather, these two tribes have been at war for tens of thousands of years."

"Of course, this war is still ongoing."

"After thousands of years of war, the two sides have already become deadly enemies, so the Ayang-Braends' Coming-of-Age Ceremony is to hunt the Xenomorphs. The young ones will only be considered as adults after they kill nine Xenomorphs."

1269 looked at the aliens standing in the cabin. "So, they came to this planet with the Xenomorph's eggs, allowing the Xenomorphs to infest the creatures of this planet and grow, allowing them to hunt."

"So, they allowed such a terrifying creature to appear on this planet just for a coming of age ceremony?" Ling Jiu asked incredulously.