Merpeople Attack, Merqueen  

After spending two days with Bai Ya, Ling Jiu picked his family up, and they went to Mars together early in the morning on the third day.

"This is Mars?"

It was Wangwang's first trip to Mars. She stood high in the sky and looked down at the Martian land, surprise and shock filling her eyes.

"There are not only forests but also rivers and lakes. This is completely different from the Mars that I have imagined." 

"This is what Mars looks like after terraforming."

"When your brother-in-law and I first came to Mars, there were only a few Arcana forests. Other than that, it was almost the same as the Mars that I had pictured," Bai Ya explained with a smile. "After that, your brother-in-law directed carbon dioxide from Venus…"

With Bai Ya's explanation, Wangwang gradually understood the reason for the tremendous changes on Mars and looked at Ling Jiu in admiration.