The Law of Water, a Giant Foot Coming Down

"A bunch of clowns!"

Looking at the million-strong army of Merpeople, Ling Jiu hissed and deployed Void Devouring.


The phantom of the Void Behemoth appeared above Ling Jiu's head again. It stood in the air, its vicious shadow spanning across the sky.

The next moment, the phantom of the Void Behemoth opened its mouth and gobbled up a few hundred thousand of Merpeople's army at once.

If this situation continued, the only fate awaiting this million-strong Merpeople's army was to be swallowed into the floating island.

The Merqueen apparently would not allow this to happen. A stern look flashed in her beautiful eyes as she uttered something in her mouth.

A blue beam shot out from her fingertip and spread out instantly to envelop a radius of dozens of miles of sea area, including all the Merpeople's army.

It looked as if a blue spider web was engulfing the sea area and the Merpeople's army.