Your dad will kill you

After some time Tate asked me curiously, "So are you and Ajwad a thing?" I looked at her surprisingly, "What do you mean?" I wanted to laugh at that assumption of hers.

"I mean you both look very close and Ajwad seems very protective of you" she said in a hushed whisper as if we were discussing something really secretive.

I frowned, "I am also very close with Esha, does that mean I'm in a relationship with her too?" It really pissed me off that she thought like this about us.

"You're honestly so dumb, Khansa." her voice sounded irritated.

"What? Did I ruin your gossip?" I asked her in a bored voice.

"You know what? Just forget about what I said" She huffed out dramatically.

I remained silent after that and went back to revising my previous concepts.

The teacher didn't come, and I said goodbye to Tate and didn't wait for her response before she blackmailed me into coming to another party of hers.

I went to Ajwad and waved at him, and he smiled, "How are you?" he asked in a genuine voice.

"Hey Khansa" Lily also greeted me with a smile.

"Honestly, guys, today I was in a mood to study, and the teacher didn't come so that studying mood goes to my nearest trashcan" I laughed.

Lily laughed and shook her head, "Anyway Khansa, Ajwad and I intended to study together. Do you want to join us?" her voice sounded curious.

Okay, strange. "Actually, that would be great because I think the algebraic equation's chapter was quite difficult for me" I answered and Ajwad smiled, "Don't worry about that one, I'll teach you that today" God should give a friend like Ajwad to everyone.

I inadvertently looked at Lily and found her looking annoyed. What was her deal?

I ignored her and asked Ajwad, "Let's ask Esha if she wants to clear her concepts too "I messaged her, and she gave a thumbs up.

"I think it would be better if we study at your house, Ajwad?" Lily suggested shyly.

He thought for a moment and nodded before raking a hand through his jet-black hair, "Yeah, we can do that "Okay, great.

Kabeer and Ajwad were neighbors, so I was hesitant to even go there. I mean, Kabeer wouldn't be there, right? I just couldn't stand him. He made my blood boil and to be very honest I don't know if it was anger inside me or something else. I put all these thoughts at the back of my mind and closed my eyes before taking a deep breath. Do not think about him, Khansa.

We went to Ajwad's mansion, and I had almost forgotten how massive and beautiful it was.

"Is your mom home?" I asked him excitedly while sipping the orange juice. Lily and Esha were talking to each other about how they wanted to do an internship this year.

"She's in California and you know that Dad is busy and rarely home with all the cases he gets "he said wistfully. His parents were workaholics, and they didn't have enough time to spend with him. Ajwad had an older brother too who was studying history and political sciences from Columbia University. Ajwad pretended he didn't care about them not being home with him, but I knew deep down he longed for their presence. I not only looked at Kabeer's parents with longing, but Ajwad also used to have this glint of sadness in his eyes whenever we were at Kabeer's house. His parents celebrated every event together with their son and showered Kabeer with love. How ironic, now they have gotten divorced.

Ajwad's mom always sent him gifts on his birthday and his dad would leave a voice message telling him that he loved him, and Ajwad would just delete them before even listening to them.

I nodded my head at his response and changed the topic, "Where's this sound coming from?" Loud and jarring music sounds infiltrated the room.

"I think Tate's having a party again" Ajwad said while taking out his books. Oh, yes, I almost forgot they were neighbors.

"Guys, let's study, and then we can go to the party" Lily chimed in with a wide smile on ber face.

"Yeah, no, thanks" I answered without thinking. God, I should've been more polite because her face fell, and she frowned at me.

"Ajwad?" she pleadingly asked him.

"We'll see Lily, I honestly also refused Kabeer when he asked me at College" he answered apologetically, "Three of us dislike to party" that's my best friend. Esha also chimed in "Yeah, we hate parties with a capital H. Once Ajwad lost his car keys and, Oh my God, I almost got pushed into a swimming pool filled with hormonal teenagers. Terrible experience" she said in a flow.

She nodded, "Right" If she wanted to go to that party then what was holding her back. She was even good friends with Tate.

After that, we studied for 2 hours and my mind couldn't keep up with the new concepts. I kept telling him that I understood everything, and he gave me a look that said, "stop lying"

"Khansa, you don't even know how to solve inequalities?" Lily gasped as if she couldn't believe it. And continued, "Even a 4th grader would be better than you in math"

What? I was horrible in mathematics, and I for the love of god couldn't grasp even the basic concepts. She didn't have to act so dramatically about it.

Esha replied before I could say anything, "Yeah, just like how we all are horrible at arts and paintings" she answered with sarcasm lacing her tone. Esha could be ruthless with her retorts and I stopped myself from smiling.

"And oh God, do you remember how once our arts teacher took Khansa's painting in her hands and told the whole class that we couldn't even come close to her creativity?" she continued, "Oh wait, you weren't with us in high school, sad if you ask me" she finished.

Ajwad cleared his throat and Lily looked embarrassed.

The bell rang and saved us from the awkwardness of the situation.

"I'll go and check "I told them before gulping the orange juice in one go.

I opened the door rushing and I swear nothing could have prepared me for this.

Kabeer was standing there with a cigarette dangling from his fingers. He raked a hand through his sandy brown hair and took a puff from his cigarette.

He looked at me in a surprised manner, "What are you doing here?"

"Do you have no manners?" I gritted my teeth and scrunched my nose at him.

He shook his head with a bored expression etched on his face and leaned against the wall, "I don't have time for your nonsense. Where's Ajwad?"

"Who's at the door, Khansa?" Ajwad asked from the TV lounge.

"Someone who thinks it is cool to blow smoke into someone else's face" I muttered before leaving the door open.

I went back to where I was sitting earlier and huffed out. Lily smiled, "How are you Kabeer? Long time no see"

Esha didn't acknowledge him and went back to using her mobile phone.

"Yeah, how's it going Lily" he replied gently. Wow. He did have some semblance of decency in him.

Ajwad shook his head with a laugh, "Is Tate again making your life hell?" Wait, what?

Kabeer said with an annoyed expression, "Today's idea of her prank was filling my room with the pictures of my childhood "He shook his head as if he couldn't stand her, "She has no sense of boundary" Tate really did that? I mean, I wasn't surprised at all.

"Siblings do that, no?" Ajwad answered.

"I don't consider her anything "Kabeer said while looking at the calculus books on our table.

"Has it ever occurred to you that she is probably still processing the trauma of her parents going through a divorce?" Esha raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Yeah, and making my life hell is her coping mechanism?" Kabeer said sarcastically.

"Give her some time, man." Ajwad said in a calm voice.

"Nice idea so that she can devise new ways to mess with my room" Kabeer stood up and added, "I dislike when people touch my things. That spoiled brat hid my dissection box that day" he said as if he couldn't bear to go back.

"And why are you telling us this. What are we? Your therapists?" I said in an irritated voice.

"I wasn't even talking to you Khansa" He frowned at me.

"Yeah right" I continued, "Since you're here, I suppose you know about our psychology project?" I looked at him expectantly.

"Listen, I don't care about your project and someone told me that it's 60 percent of your grade, right?" he said mockingly, "F grade it is then" I couldn't believe how vicious he was being.

"Kabeer- I cut off Ajwad and said, "Trust me, I would rather work alone than have you as a partner. But apparently we can't exchange partners, so I am stuck with someone like you" I finished with a blank expression on my face.

"All I can say is good luck with failing this class" He muttered as if he couldn't care less about it.

I would have to do something to make him agree to this; otherwise I was sure he'd be glad to know that I failed this class. I would have to stop being rude to him. Oh, God, that was impossible. I couldn't stand him.

What can I even do right now? He seemed adamant on not helping me out.

After some time, Esha got a call from her mom and she excused herself. Lily asked Esha to give her a ride home as she had to go to her brother's birthday party.

I intended to go back too, and I went to wash my hands after eating the pasta.

As soon as I got out of the room I heard Kabeer's voice, "I don't know man" he sounded frustrated.

I wasn't an eavesdropper, but this sounded too interesting to ignore. So, I stood there as silently as I could.

"Your dad is going to kill you, Kabeer" I had never seen Ajwad this furious.

Wait, what? Why were they talking like that? I was so curious. Maybe, I could use this against Kabeer and blackmail him into helping me with my project. I smiled inwardly.