

A common trait of any rule- breaker is hiding from the official. Dalhousie felt that the very forces of nature had failed to work with him. It was almost anti-climatic to live the climax of every book ever written. It was a dark and moonless night. The night was filled with the terrifying howls of creatures that Dalhousie prayed wouldn't pick up his scent. An even more condescending sign was that of that of the powerful wind that regularly carried with it a mini- sandstorm. He allowed a small smile onto himself as Dalhousie realised that he had been smart enough to leave the diamond behind; An alternate situation would have most definitely led to him crawling around the dark along with the other creatures in search of the diamond.Besides he wouldn't have dared to bring the diamond with him, a suspicion of the diamond leaving its place would place him under questioning. And heaven forbid someone notice he wasn't around during this time would mean that it was off with him!. A sudden sound shook the very earth that Dalhousie stood upon. He had first thought that he had heard the sound of cannons firing, he had thought that the old king had finally found their location. He was pleasantly surprised to realise the fact that it was the odd rain that blessed Lahore. He allowed the droplets to fall into his mouth after a momentary realisation that he was parched. After drinking to his heart's content, he moved beneath a shelter to escape the growingly harsh rain. The wind blew at with a speed unheard of, as it blew through the branches, leaves and twigs that dared step in its path. Suddenly it all stopped. It all came to a complete standstill. The rain had stopped midway. Dalhousie was greeted by something he was beginning to hate. Silence. Bloodcurdling silence.

He felt thirsty again.

he stepped onto the marshy land. the sound his boots made on the puddled floor was the only form of life.The creatures that had threatened him were nowhere to be seen. Or even heard. Now this situation bothered Dalhousie even more as now , he heard footsteps. Someone was following him. He had dismissed the sound earlier hoping that it was but a stray racoon. He walked faster still believing his theory only for it to be profoundly proved wrong. He ran without as much as a look backwards. He went straight into the jeweller's workshop and banged at his door. The surprised and sleepy jeweller was only too happy to provide him with an appropriate diamond. After all such purchases were rare these days. He had also paid the amount in cash!!! Dalhousie made his way back to the camp. He smiled at himself when he realised that things hadn't gone too badly. Except for the rain and his paranoia things had gone smoothly.

But not his follower.


He stood there outside his courtyard waiting for the news. Right beside him stood his makeshift cabinet almost as eager as he was. Down the road, one could hear hooves beating fast. As the horse approached them, not a single word was spoken. The rider got down from his horse. He stood there in his Military uniform. He almost looked like he belonged to the Brits, with the way he stood and the way he had made an entrance. The commander was the first to point this out," Not bad my Prince. I had my reservations as to whether the uniform would fit you." Duleep smiled. Father, the deed is done. In fact, he was quick to fall into the hoax. He is making his way towards the city.

Hmmm...", said the king. "Commander what do you propose?"," An Ambush Sire, we attack now and we attack quickly.`` ''So be it. We will move immediately. Tara stay here and take care of the fortress.We must expect a counter -strike." The boy stood there trying to mask his tears with a brave face, alas he could only manage a nod. The winds continued to move violently as another horse parked in front of the group. An honest spy stood in front of the group. " Sire I have successfully located the enemy base." After receiving a satchel full of gems, the man made his way back to his family to share his luck. "We attack the trader and not the base.Remember the only thing we fight for is the Swarnamani.The vendor could not have travelled far"The time had come. He would complete his oath the same day he promised to undertake it. He would finally restore pride to his clan and forever remove the asterix that would have otherwise accompanied his rule.But fate once again decided that the dice should be rolled again.


Richard had no idea what was happening. He had finally tracked Dalhousie all the way into the forest. He had an extremely important piece of information. The letter from London had been intercepted! He had to inform Dalhousie to have the diamond on him at all times after all an attack was only a matter of time. The youth In Richard had made him smarter than his peers. Although his mother insisted that it was the country life in Yorkshire. " How many off your colleagues have had to graze a senile bull everyday. Such things make you smart Richie. The situation is what makes a man." So just before he had left for his search , he had had the sense to take the diamond along with him. It rested safely in his right pocket. He didn't feel that it would be right to leave the diamond in such a place. However, every time he had reached closer to him, he seemed to increase his pace. He had called out to hime a few times , but he was drowned out by the sounds of the wild. He had actually lost track of the Major for sometime. But the rain made it easier for him to track his footsteps. He stopped at regular intervals to check for the diamond's safety. Once on his right and the other on his left. The one on the left was also a diamond that he had bought with his first salary. He wished to send it to his mother. He couldn't help but imagine her face as she opened the package. He broke out of his reverie as he heard rapid footsteps. Dalhousie was nowhere to be seen.He decided to wait and not move until Dalhousie made his way back. He sat there in the dark, determined not to close his eyes. Soon he started to see spots, then patterns and then full fledged designs."Sleep!!!", said his heart as the mind continued to remain stubborn. But Richard had always followed his heart and thus he slept... At least until he heard the sounds.

He had actually lost track of the Major for sometime. But the rain made it easier for him to track his footsteps. He stopped at regular intervals to check for the diamond's safety. Once on his right and the other on his left. The one on the left was also a diamond that he had bought with his first salary. He wished to send it to his mother. He couldn't help but imagine her face as she opened the package. He broke out of his reverie as he heard rapid footsteps. Dalhousie was nowhere to be seen.He decided to wait and not move until Dalhousie made his way back. He sat there in the dark, determined not to close his eyes. Soon he started to see spots, then patterns and then full fledged designs."Sleep!!!", said his heart as the mind continued to remain stubborn. But Richard had always followed his heart and thus he slept... At least until he heard the sounds.