As time passed, the cooling shade of the boulder gave way for the harsh mid-afternoon sunlight. The glistening orange rays pierced through Roy's eyelids pulling him out of his dreamland. As he begrudgingly came to, he looked around him to make sure the area had no signs of danger. After a few seconds of checking he slowly stood up and began his search for food to quench his hunger.
'Let's see... I usually have pretty good luck finding them in soft dirt. There should be some under these rocks too, I just don't know if my tiny baby arms can lift them.' Roy complained to himself as he began to move over to some small rocks by the riverside. He found one that was relatively small and managed to move is after a decent bit of effort.
*Whew* 'What a success! So many roly-polies and centipedes!'
Roy was exhilarated as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. He soon looked to the side and found a smaller rock that fit in his hand and had a semi-sharp edge. Using his new weapon, Roy began to kill all the bugs under the rock.
[Pill Bug killed]
[1 EXP Received]
[Centipede killed]
[1 EXP Received]
[Centipede killed]
[1 EXP Received]
After some time Roy had managed to kill 15 critters. Happy with the results, he began to eat his lunch whilst thinking of his next plan of action.
'Hmm, making this trip every time I need to collect water is a huge hassle, maybe I should try to make a clay container or something to hold water in... I would have to be able to walk and carry a container full of water at that point though. So maybe it's time to level up. I don't want to kill a ton of them since they are my food source for now, but leveling up to 5 should be enough to handle the things I need to do.'
After he finished eating his lunch he picked up the rock and did the math to guess how many bugs he needed to kill and the amount of rocks he needed to lift.
'Seems that it costs 10 more experience per level so I will probably need 55 more to get to level 5. If all the rocks have around the same number of critters, it should only take around 4 rocks. I hope this won't take me too long I need to make it back before it gets dark...'
As Roy looked up at the sun he could see that he still had quite a few hours before night. Nodding his head in affirmation, he began to lift his next rock.
[Enough Experience has been accrued]
[Level up 3->4]
[Enough Experience has been accrued]
[Level up 4->5]
'Nice! God that was absolutely exhausting! Seems that took around an hour or so, so I still have a bit of time before I need to head back. Let's see if I can finally start walking!'
As Roy filled himself to the brim with motivation, he put all the power he had into his little legs to lift himself off the ground and into a standing position.
Soon, a small baby orc lost in the woods and left to die all on its own, managed to take its first step, metaphorically and literally.
Getting an insane dopamine rush, Roy was absolutely ecstatic. Looking around with a huge smile, he began to slowly walk. His clumsy legs caused him to stumble and fall occasionally, but his goofy smile never once left his face.
Eventually getting the hang of walking in his new body, he walked over to the small mound of dead bugs and began to have a feast in celebration. The food may have been unappetizing, borderline disgusting, but Roy didn't care.
After finishing his meal and calming down a bit, he headed over to the river to fill the rest of his belly with water. As he drank he began to think about taking a wash in the stream.
'I really would love to clean myself but even if the stream's current is as weak as this I can't guarantee that I can resist it. I should wait until I get around 10 strength to attempt that.'
Standing up once more, Roy looked around the riverbed and found some clay. 'Hmm, this should work for a makeshift cup if I let it sun dry after forming it. If it has cracks I can just put more clay and let it dry again, it's not like I'm building it to last.'
After walking back and forth from the clay deposit to a small boulder around the height of his waist with handfuls of clay he began to make the shape of a cup. He didn't want to add handles to it since they could easily break off, so instead he made indents in it so it would be harder to slip out of his fingers.
After double checking it for any mistakes, he packed up his extra bug carcasses by setting them on a large leaf and wrapping it up to carry home. It only took him around 45 minutes to reach his root burrow, now that he could shakily walk.
Looking up one more time at the sun, he could see that it was beginning to set. He went back outside since he wasn't completely exhausted yet, and collected some more large leaves. Bringing them back to his home, he threw some over the gaps in the roots to cover them and others he used and bedding and sheets.
Laying down on his new makeshift bed, Roy slowly closed his heavy eyelids and drifted off once again.
[Apprentice Crafting has reached the necessary requirements and has been acquired]
[Received Apprentice Crafting Lv. 1]
[Apprentice Crafting]
Gives a small correction when crafting.
Skill evolves to [Crafting] after reaching level 10 and completing a unique craft.
100 levels before you finish the job and can unlock another.
Jobs stack, meaning they are not lost when learning a new one.
Lower tier jobs like apprentice jobs, give small bonuses, while unique or master jobs would give higher bonuses.
Jobs become available depending on your actions.