During the next week as Roy continued to heal his body, he began learning the kobold's language, creating gauntlets for the kobolds as payment for their teachings, and he also helped Solus practice talking in english.
The language he was learning was known as Koblodese, and he had managed to learn around 40% of it so far according to his status. It was a lot harder to learn than Gobish, as it had many intricacies. Depending on the length of the sound, or even the pitch of it in some cases, it could become a completely different word.
Though thinking this, it was still amazing to Roy that he had almost mastered half of a language in one week. He was once again praising his [Aptitude] skill.
"Thanks for the food, Terren." Roy said, as he took the goblin meat that was steaming. He had gotten used to eating it, as it had been the staple food for the past week along with some herbs from the surroundings.
"No problem, it's a small thing for our arioo." Terren responded, looking down at her new gauntlets with a light hearted smile.
"Arioo?" Roy asked confused.
"Ah, one who rescues." Terren defined the word with ones she figured he would have learned by now.
"Savior maybe?" Roy said in English, as he nodded his head in understanding. "Thank you." Roy said as he returned to what he was thinking about as he ate.
'Thinking of the gauntlets, I've maxed out [Apprentice Crafting] at level ten now, yet it didn't evolve or change at all, system can you explain?' Roy inquired to his tutorial skill, as he wanted to continue improving his craftsmanship.
Apprentice skills, after reaching Lv. 10, must also have their corresponding job maxed out as well.
Apprentice jobs are gained from the skill being received, while the job and skill in some cases must be maxed out to receive the next tier job.
When obtaining the next tier job, you will gain new skills that correspond to the job, these do not need to be maxed out to obtain the tier after, instead they will gain a level on the next tier job selection.
For example:
[Apprentice Craftsman Lv.100] + [Apprentice Crafting Lv.10] = [Craftsman] job, [Crafting] skill, [Item Appraisal] skill, [Steady Hands] skill
[Craftsman Lv.100] + [Crafting Lv.10] = [Veteran Craftsman] job, [Veteran Crafting] skill, [Locked] skill, [Locked] skill
"Hmm... Wait, then what do I get for maxing out [Apprentice Tamer] and [Taming]? Why does taming not have the prefix?" Roy asked confused on the skill that doesn't have a prefix.
[Taming] skill is not an instinct granting skill; gaining the skill unlocks the job, but it does not need to be maxed out to gain the next tier of the job.
[Apprentice Tamer Lv.100] = [Tamer] job, [Bond Strengthen] skill, [Mana Share] skill, [Pet Appraisal] skill
Roy said aloud, appreciating the skills that he could get if he chooses [Tamer] as his next job.
'Seems I need to decide on my next job based on what skill I want to evolve and what skills I can gain.' Roy then decided to ask the system if the jobs get more EXP expensive as they advance, and the answer was yes as expected.
'Crafting skill is really useful, especially when paired with my [Keratin Growth] skill. There is no way I could have made these things before I learned this skill. At the same time though, being able to siphon mana from my pets in battle could be life saving...' As Roy was thinking about all this, he decided to push it off for now, as he was a long ways away from reaching max level of his job.
'Wait a minute, if jobs need maxed skills, do species as well?' Thinking of this Roy quickly asked his tutorial, the response was what he expected as well.
In order to evolve, a creature above the lesser tier needs a Mana Heart developed to the required tier, and to have leveled their trait skill they received to the max level as well.
The next evolution will grant a new skill that builds off of the prior skill, and if it is not maxed it is equivalent to a rocky foundation ready to crumble at any time.
To prevent any issues, the system prevents evolution without these two factors complete.
All beings on this world abide by the unbiased system rules.
'Okay that last line is a little foreboding, but the information is useful. I need to make sure that I have the conditions met before evolution is ready from now on. Which from the looks of it isn't that hard. I don't know about other babirusa orcs, except for what Nabik said, but for me leveling [Keratin Growth] has been extremely fast. It's already level nine, and I've only had it for a bit more than a week!
Roy was eventually pulled out of his thoughts as Solus had come over for her daily English practice.
"I am Sssooluss, yoouu aArrree Rroooyy." Solus slowly spoke, attempting to get her words out clearly while she manipulated her tongue how Roy instructed.
'Buhihi! Good job Solus!" Roy exclaimed, patting her head in delight. "You've come so far in just a week! I'm super impressed. Though I expect nothing less from MY sister!" Roy then boisterously laughed and Solus shook her head and sighed, expecting that response already.
The other kobolds looked over and saw the two children playing and chuckled.
"That's how kids should be..." Asandra said, looking at them and finding it hard to believe they were the same kids she witnessed massacring those goblins a week ago.
Later that night, Terren was sitting by the fire, wide awake. She was unable to sleep, having nightmares of the recent events once again.
Looking at the beautiful night sky, the stars were shining brightly, and the moon was giving off a lustrous orange hue.
"Dad, I miss you..." Terren said softly as tears softly dripped from her eyes. 'It was so scary, I tried to put up a brave front for the others, I tried to fight to the end and escape... If it hadn't been for Roy and Solus...' Terren's train of though drifted as she looked over to the two oddly matched siblings.
They were huddled together, while Roy's pet who he called Inbellis was curled into a ball in his bellybutton.
'How did such young kids become so strong? They haven't even made a Mana Heart yet, and they managed to defeat a goblin warrior and his minions with just the two of them. Why didn't I train like them? Why didn't I try to get stronger? Could I have saved my family if I had? Could I have avoided that horror?' At this point the tears were pouring out of Terren's eyes. Looking at the moon again, she tried to resolve herself.
'I want to get stronger... I don't want this to ever happen to anyone I care about again.' Eventually Terren cried herself back to sleep, repeating the same nightmares as she relived the horror she had experienced.