A paralysed lady

In the solitude of her room, the grandeur of a life once adorned with elegance and prestige seemed a distant memory for Hydrangea.

She, now trapped in the frail confines of a paralyzed princess's body, grappled with the bitterness of an unfamiliar concoction.

The room, a manifestation of her former life as Choi Yuri, heir to the international Choi Group, bore witness to the stark reality she now faced.

As Mary, her maid, gave the bitter remedy, a taste as bitter as the woes that accompanied her new existence, Hydrangea couldn't shake the sensation that she was swallowing the bitterness of the entire world. The transition from heiress to waking up paralyzed was a cruel twist of fate that echoed through the opulence of her surroundings.

"Do I really have to drink this" Hydrangea asked, fighting the urge to gag.

"Yes, miss. The doctor insists it helps in your ability to walk," Mary replied with a sternly

Hydrangea's contemplations shifted to the torment of her physical limitations, a defect that gnawed at her health and soul.

Despite the sorrow embedded in her memories – the loss of her mother during the great war and the Crown Princess Nora to the great plague – familial love provided a flicker of solace. Surrounded by three elder brothers and two younger ones, the weight of familial responsibilities rested heavily on Hydrangea's shoulders.

"Is something troubling you, miss? You seem preoccupied today," Mary inquired, detecting the princess's distraction.

"It's nothing, Mary. Just boredom. Fetch me some parchment and a pen," Hydrangea requested, momentarily diverting her thoughts.

Mary's surprise was fleeting as she quickly composed herself. "Of course, miss. I'll bring them to you right away."

Alone with her thoughts, Hydrangea pondered the prospect of regaining mobility. Prosthetic legs crossed her mind, but she dismissed the idea. The search for a cure yielded no results, leaving her despondent. Then, like a revelation, the solution dawned upon her – a wheelchair.

The mere thought ignited a spark of hope in Hydrangea. Could a wheelchair be the key to independence and mobility? With renewed determination, she sketched ideas on the parchment Mary brought.

Days turned to weeks as Hydrangea toiled on her wheelchair design. Her room transformed into a makeshift workshop, filled with sketches, diagrams, and prototypes. Mary, initially perplexed, became an accomplice in Hydrangea's quest for a solution.

"Miss, I've arranged for a skilled craftsman to assist with constructing the wheelchair based on your designs," Mary informed her, excitement evident in her voice.

Hydrangea's eyes sparkled with gratitude. The prospect of a custom-made wheelchair filled her with anticipation.