|| Father approved Friendship Scheme (FAFS) ||

The handsome man entered the room, his tan face and sharp chin contrasting with his blonde hair. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Lancelot.

"Ah, Father," Lancelot greeted him nervously.

The man looked at Lancelot with hostility and asked me, "Hydrancea, who is this young boy?"

I could feel his emphasis on the word "boy."

"Father, this is Lancelot," I replied calmly.

"So? Is he special to you?" he asked with a hint of suspicion.

Lancelot began to sweat and tried to come up with an excuse.

I thought to myself, 'For an Isekai'd character, you fret too much.'

Turning my attention back to my father, I said, "Father, he is my first friend."

The emperor looked surprised at my response.

"A friend?" he repeated, clearly taken aback.

I continued, "Yes, a few days ago he was practicing teleportation magic and ended up in my room. He saw me alone and wanted to become friends, so I accepted."

My father then began to ask Lancelot a series of questions, including whether he could take care of a family, if he had a noble title, whether he could cook, use protection magic, and whether he truly loved me.

Lancelot was stunned and looked like he was about to lose his head.

'Yo, just say yes if you value your neck,' I thought to myself.

"But...what if I get engaged to you?" Lancelot stammered.


"Okay," Lancelot relented, clearly relieved.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I am Lancelot Austina, the eldest son of Duke Austina," he said.

My father scrutinized Lancelot carefully and then said, "Okay, then you can get married."

I was taken aback and protested, "Father, we've just met a few days ago and it wouldn't be right. So then...can he be my friend?"

I used my most powerful weapon: anime eyes.

'Hey, do you hate me that much that you want to break an engagement?' I thought.

"YOU JERK! We just met 120 seconds ago and your heart will break if my dad made an engagement in 1 FUCKING SECOND, EH?" I aggressively thought into my new spectrum of hearing , a domain of sound that only Me and Lancelot could hear . Of course , causing Lancelot to wince in pain .

My father looked at me with surprise and then chuckled, "Alright, he can be your friend, Hydrancea."