" when lost hope is regained ,lost will be the will to live "

" Lancelot .. this is an important piece of information we just found "

" hydrancea - no "

" hey ! "

" you CANNOT expose ourselves !"

" but then how the hell are we going to understand what the hell is happening !"

" We can visit a F*CKING LIBRARY !"

" . . . "

" fine fool " hydrancea said in a slightly tsundere tone , just slightly .


" arch-priest , remember that 'Lex Divina ' note that was left by the previous deaconess "

" yes masse what about it ?"

" we got the report from the other temples today , um its not the divine language at all , in fact its from none of the languages developed in the Arielle Empire "

" what !" the Arch priest said in a firm voice

" masse ! contact , the Magic tower , they have a linguistica [1] right !"

" Arch-priest do you think it could be something related to rem after all the deaconess knew him personally . . ."



" so .. when's the play date hydrancea "

" Lancelot … Lancelot … why is that name so familiar though ?"

" … "

" like really its at the tip of my tongue "

Lancelot just sighed as he lost the additional bit of hope he thought he had lost the moment he met the deranged heir ..

" no like really "

" hydrancea have you ever wondered why I make useless excuses so that I come late ?"

" why ? to meet cute maids behind the castle ?'

" …"


at this moment Lancelot gained the hope he lost

There was a knock on the door

" come in "

" star of the empire , the emperor want to have a ' talk ' with duke Austina's son"

at this moment Lancelot lost not his hope , but his will to prolong his life

Lancelot got up from the chair bowed to hydrancea and left hoping he could still have is head at the end of the day

' they won't kill me right ? I am a dukes son , father lets just hope all that authority you boast of in front of duke elrod has any use in front of that emperor '


in the Austina estate

" WHAT ? LANCELOT HAS BEEN SUMMONED ?" Duchess Austina screeched

hearing this the homebody duke Austina ran with dust all over him .

" WHY ?" he asked his wife

" WHO KNOWS !" the duchess screeched back , then proceeded mourning about her son .

' I am sorry son … now even god can't save , only hydrancea can .. but she probably will be kept in the dark about what happened '

" prepare a coffin " he said

[1] basically Latin for linguist