Dreaming [Part 1]

The prince's who heard this went ballistic !

' we're to aggressive then we must become calmer '

" Ah also I've got a lead on the book "

" really what "

" it seems she is from there "

" that means . . . "

" yes she is from that place . . . but Why didn't she write the book in English ?"

" Ah . . . maybe she didn't know hoe to write in English "

" Makes sense , we'll translate it later , finding the truth about it all can be done later , first we should find some sort of power " Hydrancea said firmly

" Aren't you the Emperor's daughter "

" If I go to Another empire or outside the palace there will hundreds no thousands of people who will attempt to use as me a hostage , you can call me a weakness , so If i build my own people and power I wouldn't worry my family , being the imperial family is already hard if add to stress I' am scared father would lose his hairline "

' my hairline !' the emperor immediately made a mental note to consult the circle on hair restoring oils

" wow Bye I am going I 've got a . . . a lot of work to do " He said as she turned around but then her realized his barrier just got interfered in

' how interesting ! Hydrancea can you hear me '

' ye what happened ?'

' Someone just interfered my barrier , they're probably using an invisibility potion right now '

" oh ! just act like don't know anything '

' ye sure '

Lancelot continued walking and left the palace without any weird reactions

Hydrancea decided to not react it was obvious at this point after he left they did not attack her , probably just spies , they can't do anything to her but then she also she was not defending her point from before . . .

" Oh My god " she said as she sighed really hard

She felt like that those people had left but all she could do was sit up on the bed and hope that the gods still favoured her

Soon she fell into sleep because of stress .

" ah where am I " she asked