Finally waking Up

" AH " Hydrancea woke up In cold sweat

" you finally woke you sleeping demon "

" And I am going back to sleep " Hydrancea Said as she turned around and closed her eyes

" if you think doing that will help you then you thought wrong "

" what happened While I was asleep ?"

" First congratulations you successfully manifested elemental energy , Second there was an accident "


Few hours ago

" Luther , did you check The cells ?"

" Nah , its to freaky , and anyways its not like they're gonna escape right ? lets just head for lunch "

" Hey " The guard was visibly nervous , Those behind those gates had their name Carved in the dungeon of the condemned , They were still breathing , they are still a threat , and if something happens then He would lose his life

" Victor ? , you think they left ?"

Victor was blue-haired man with huge scars all over his face , he was once a knight who personally served the sultan of the Termai , But was taken hostage when the Sultan of Termai attempted to kill the emperor and Take the Empress as his wife

But of course the Tyrant of the Empire Darius Got pissed off and Imprisoned him

"Don't talk to me Kim "

" hehe "

kim slowly walked towards the Iron bars that imprisoned him and held his hand against to cool Metal bars

Suddenly his hand glowed and the metal bars started Melting

Victor didn't even bother looking at Kim's direction

He knew he deserved it , he wanted to live so Betrayed and almost killed the woman that took him from the Streets and personally taught him Everything , He regretted it He wanted to make it up to her

" Victor , aren't you coming ?"

" go away " he told Kim

Kim who had long gotten used to Victor's Behavior left , that man didn't bother him anymore , he wanted to destroy the Arielle Empire and that what he was going to do

He wanted To do what he did best set Fire , But because He could only Use basic Magic and that too after conserving energy for 20 years , he wanted to see the burning Empire , the screams of Agony and pain

he sneaked close to a bunch of hay and lightly burnt it , but it was a flame starter for the something Even bigger


" so you are telling me , the Entire Left wing of the Imperial Palace was burnt down , 5 High-Level criminals escaped ?"

" yes "

" No "

" It was Netherworld Flame , something that we had to invest in lost to keep shackled, do you realize how hard it is to Hold down a persons Magic ?"

" nope , I don't care What about the meeting with those two Guys "

" you mean Liam and Ester ?"

" oh so that's their names , now tell me who is who ?"

" Jack , Archmage and liam archpriest "

" and you , Imperial Mage ?"

" right "

" So who was left behind ?"

" More like who was willing to be left behind "

" what ?"

" his name is victor Ray , An imperial Knight who used to be Your mother's Playmate , he was sent by your father to the sultan , but the sultan Rebelled against Your father and attempted to kill him , as a reduced punishment he was sent to Prison "

" well then do it "

" no "

" you really want me to die in your father's hand don't you "

" ok then fine , I assume My wheelchair is ready "

" yes"

" then suit Up we're officially gonna show the world my Face , Publicly announce that I will be Having a Session in the royal court with my father "