Chapter of too much information

" How could I forget . . . "

the Austina Dukedom is Home to the " The Genesis Lacus " A lake which believed to be the tears of the Goddess of Creation , Materera Divivi , It is heavily Protected by the Duchy and the Temple .

It was breached years ago During the Spirit Plaque a few days after princess Nora died . . . according to the Deceased deaconess, it was because the intruder Wanted the Holy water for the good of someone else the Water in the Lake remained Un-Polluted .

" You thought You could defeat me ?" Hydrancea asked in arrogant voice

" Yes, If you still want " Horrifyingly Gruesome Crimes of the Condemned " "

" ! How dare you !"

" Please do you still want it or not ?"

" Okay fine you win . . ." Hydrancea who was on the Verge of tears said Sitting defeated in her wheelchair .

" Your Butler will Give it you Today , Make sure to Read it right before you go to sleep "

" Okay " then Hydrancea Took A hairpin of her hair and placed it on Lancelot's hand ,

"Purchase all the horror novel in the Market right now , we can to Other's later "

" You think you can purchase all the Horror Novel with this Hairpin ?"

" No , this is for you , Use the Austina Dukedom's money for that "

" Ohhh . . . . . wait a fu*king Moment "

" Aloy Move out " Aloy had appeared out nowhere and Helped Hydrancea onto another Wheelchair.

" Lancelot Austina , I hope you fulfill my wishes , When the deed is done you will receive my trust and If you Ever need Help , Please remember that you can turn towards the Imperial family"


" Masse , what did the linguistica say ?!"

" He was not able to . . . um Decipher it . . ."

" . . ."

" Masse , do you know the tale of " The seer , the Knight and the golden Deer " ?"

" Well , its a popular children's story "

" Did you know that the deer is real ?"

"Huh !?" Masse said in surprise

" Mother of Empress Tamara was a direct descendant of the Seer , that's why she was credited with her Extended knowledge and findings in Astrology and psychic studies , she is also the reason why there is a shrine erected for the Minor goddess Diaintri . The House of Ruches on the Other hand share blood lineage with the " so-called " Silver Knight " , who went around graciously Saving people "

" Oh . . . "

" The golden deer on the other hand shared blood with the House of Solrad "

" Oh-WAIT ! HOW DID A DEER , you know do that " Masse asked as he blushed furiously

" You Idiot , the golden deer is a golden deer , unlike other normal deer was a mythical being , a god "

" wait so-"

" And then another popular story " the Devildom and the Blade of heaven " quite the action packed novel was actually true , It was the cataclysm "

" the CATACLYSM !"

" yes , the Four houses of the devildom unleashed the demons onto mortal land , and then the celestials who had long protected the Humans sent the " blade of heaven " a weapon that could wipe of continents , though after the famed hero defeated the demons , the weapon went missing and for the next millennium no hope was left in humanity , but then suddenly it started raining and"

"and ?"

" the trio descended "

" the trio ?"

" the mysterious existence that stands above the gods , The Golden deer , the Silver raven and the copper rodent "

" what ?" Masse stared at the archpriest like he was crazy

" Ha , what can I say , Masse you better keep your trap shut , these are things only Important figures of the Arielle Empire would know of "

" I am so confused "

" Nothing special "

" But why did you tell me about this ?"

" Because , All the stories were Originally written in a languages we couldn't understand , Only when empress Tamara translated them we were able to Understand it , but surprisingly Empress celeste Was able to revise it and pointed out many mistakes in the Original Translation ."

" How-"

" we don't know , sent the Lex Divina to The Princess Secretly "

" Yes archpriest "


" how has the preparation been going ?"

" Yes , Lord Lexius , I have prepared all the essential items for the festival "

" then its perfect , Hydrancea dear . . . Pro Principe Nora , immola animam tuam Unkown "