When you realise whose hands the world lies in.

" It feels great to Walk on my feet again !"

" I am actually surprised that you were able walk " Lancelot said

" Shut up loser , I wasn't paralysed in my previous life "

" Ha , only if you had face paralysis "

" Ha , only if you had face paralysis " Hydrancea mocked but she had to accept she did in fact have a poisonous tongue and she was proud of it !. #VenamousWomenNeedLoveToo

" Remember the plan ?"

" yeh , now off you go . . . . Hope-"

" I don't die ?"

" You fall down a ditch " Lancelot completed

" you shit . . . "



" lucifella that was reckless of you . so damn reckless " Kyrois said pinching his brows

" I mean what was she supposed to do ? get beaten by that loser ?" Solace was clearly enraged , Glowing tendrils were sprouting from her hair and her eye were a little freaky .

" Tell your split personality to shut the hell up " Kyrois was pissed , He felt like throwing hands on lucifella and breaking her neck .

The gods of Phocenin Pantheon would be enraged and would not spend a minute to say that they broke the contract for peace , Calling upon the other Pantheons . . . It would be such a pain in the ass .

" Lucifella wear this " Solace said as she gave her a thick Mithril bracelet

" Are you mad !? , Mithril would burn me ! I'm made from Nether ! "

" Yes , It would supress your split better "

" but It could kill me Solace !"

" It was blessed by father !"

" . . . "

" Solace was it blessed by master ?" Kyrois asked very cautiously .

" yes "

Lucifella was shocked beyond the whatever is the limit for being shocked , She stood there electrified .

' oh shit '

The mithril Bracelet in her hands turned molten very quickly , All signs of an explosion were there .

" AHHHHHHHHHH" The already traumatised Kyrois ran and hid behind a vase , that did not turn out be useful . Hmmm , I wonder why ?

Solace realised all too late

" Fatherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ! why would you do that !? Weren't you more mature than chaos !?"