Read you're contracts , kids

" What why !?"

" Because it was your father you cast her out right ?"

" that makes sense but didn't he ascend the throne only then ?"

" See , Kiddo I don't even understand how that marquess does shit like this okay ? plus , shouldn't you know since you sent some agents to all the noble houses in the empire ?"

" . . . "

" See ! Even you agree with yourself !"

" . . . "

" oh , so you were trying to remember the name of the maid ?"

" . . . "

" Now , you're going to stop talking because I can read minds ?"

". . . "

" Oh , so that's how it is huh ! fine then !" Khas stubbornly shut his mouth . and awkward silence ensued . But khas still had a major headache . Hydrancea had realised , that since they were in a contract she could speak in his head .... and for the 15 minutes he had tried to calm down she had been screaming .

" I sense we are very close to the Town "

" Okay then " Hydrancea finally spoke


Lol , I sorta lost motivation to write . Ya know classic writers block , But I can't drop it . Oof.