It was almost evening by the time we were able to reach the temple. The temple was a grand show of the human ingenuity. All of it's walls were decorated with the carvings of god's and goddesses. Inside there was a dev yaj going on(a type of prayer which is done with fire, offerings of flowers seeds butter that is ghee etc and chanting). Apparently the yaj was dedicated to Lord Shani(The deity of Justice)
I asked father what was being chanted.
He said it was an ancient Vedic Mantra dedicated to Lord Shani. He even taught me how to chant it.
It's words were Om nilanjana samabhasam | Ravi putram yamagrajam |
Cahaya martanda samhubhutam | Tama namami Shanescharam ||
After the yaj was over we went to the head priest to talk about when to do the initiation. But first I had a query about what did the mantra mean So I asked him what did Om nilanjana samabhasam | Ravi putram yamagrajam |
Cahaya martanda samhubhutam | Tama namami Shanescharam || mean .
He replied by smiling at me and asked me where did you learn it little one can I talk to your master. Seeing this my father was flustered seeing which my mother came to his rescue . Sir our son was querying about what was being chanted. So my husband guided him . Listening to this his smile widened even more. He said to me ,"Little one it means The superb appearance of Lord Shani takes after that of a compelling blue mountain. He is the child of Ravi (the sun god) and the sibling of Yama (divine force of death). He is destined to the couple Chaya Devi and Martanda (one of the names of the sun). Give me a chance to sing in acclaim of the moderate moving one.
We all chanted it because Shani Dev is God of justice and by chanting the above Mantra you will reduce the effect of all your bad karmas to an extent. So we performed a cleansing of sorts on all people which removed their negative vibes and cleaned their minds. Ohh! I exclaimed.
© Congratulations to Sir for acquiring a mantra of lord Shani two more mantras and sir will be allowed to use the Lord Shani Avatar.
Woah system what the hell I was just interested and the next thing I know I am getting notified by you that I am gonna get a new avatar. I thought that these things were rare .
©Sir is mistaken the Avatar themselves are not rare but their affinity levels are rare .
Ok so I understand now. By the way how many Avatar will I be able to collect.
©Host is assured that the system will never run out of avatars in a million years.
Ok then you have got a lot of Avatars there haven't ya.
©Yes sir you are absolutely correct.
Hey kid. Huh what . You spaced out for a bit there you okay . Yes sir I am ok . Now come with me . Ok sir buy what about my parents. Oh your parents they have gone to the jyotishi(Ancient Indian Astrologer) and are figuring out the date for your initiation to Brahmin hood . Sir where are you taking me .
Oh where am I taking you . Let's keep it a secret I am taking you to one of the main statues of Lord Rama. Here we are now follow me and and rest your head at his foot. As soon I did what the head priest said. I felt the most pleasurable pleasures I was on the ninth heaven . After it I think I heard a voice saying. जय श्री राम शक्ति लो और इसका सही इस्तमाल करना. As soon I heard it I was back in the normal world . I was shaken to my core and asked System about where did I go . He replied by saying
©Sir Congratulations you have moved up a tier . Hanuman affinity level 81 tier 2 powers immense strength, immense flying speed . A mace and his Armor at level E will be equipped to you when you Avatarise yourself.
Woah so did I just hear the words from his soul.
©Yes sir I believe you were said to Hail Lord Rama and use your power for the betterment of the society.
Ok so head priest sir why did you tell me to do it. Oh kid I thought it would increase your affinity with Lord Hanuman.
What how did you know about it. Relax kid I won't tell anyone I just have a quirk called clairvoyance it allows me to know everything about anything I have seen, see or will see. So sir can you give me some mantras . No not right now I believe you were going to Parajunt's Gurukul I will tell him about you he will be sure to train you well. Ok sir and thank you. No problem young man. And don't think you are all special almost every Brahmin has the ability to incarnate one deity but only one. Every Kshatriya (warrior) also has the ability to call upon a weapon. In America almost everyone can materialise a gun and in Russia a Vodka and a bear. Every one is also preparing for a second reckoning. Now young man your parents are coming go to them . We will meet tomorrow.
While The child runs towards his parents I call my family members and tell them to pack we are going to the lunar base (it's International not one country's) . I see potential in that young man.
Mother , Father I shouted as I ran towards them . Now now don't shout said my father. We are going to your favourite restaurant.
After we went there we decided to order Shahi Paneer(Shahi paneer is a preparation of paneer, native to the Indian subcontinent, consisting of a thick gravy of cream, tomatoes and Indian spices.) , Naan(Naan is a leavened, oven-baked flatbread found in the cuisines mainly of Western Asia, South Asia, Indonesia, Myanmar and the Caribbean) ,Roti(Roti is a round flatbread native to the Indian subcontinent made from stoneground wholemeal flour, traditionally known as gehu ka atta, and water that is combined into a dough. Roti is consumed in many countries worldwide. Its defining characteristic is that it is unleavened) and Dum Aloo. As my father and mother were talking they told me that my Ritual was in 3 days. I was so pumped up for it .