[12] Dear Satan

I wasn't entirely sure what to do.

On one hand, eating Humans was both disgusting and wrong, on the other, my stomach would not shut up.

I growled and my stomach returned the favor, low and pleading and sweet, as if enticing a starving creature forward.

I decided I would try any other meat again first. I might be mostly okay with murdering slightly racist Adventurers that had attacked me first, but eating their flesh was just...

I saw a rabbit speed by, and gave chase, hoping with all my heart that it would be enough to quench my hunger, and I wouldn't have to go full-on Lich yet.

I somehow got myself to choke down the creature, fur and all.

The meat tasted of nothing, but my Lich eyes caught a thin whisp of smoky-white escaping from the rabbit. I realized it was the creature's soul.

I instinctively spat out the rabbit's body, transformed into a Lich, and used my Undead Magic to lure the soul into my mouth.

It tasted of overripe wild berries, lemongrass, and cabbage.

My hunger evaporated as if it had never existed, and my Magic seemed to resonate with the experiences and life of the rabbit.

I ate souls.

But I could still eat food too, the proof being my sister's noodles and the chicken wing.

I wasn't sure how to feel yet, but I settled on grateful that it didn't come down to eating Humans.

I buried the rabbit's corpse and transformed back into my Human likeness, when I suddenly got an idea.

My Lich Transformation Skill allowed me to alter my Lich attributes into Human ones right? Which meant I could get my gender back. Maybe I could even swap genders if I wanted.

I'm sure being a woman could come in handy for disguising myself in the very least.

I'd never really been particular about gender before, but it had been disorienting to think of myself as an 'it'.

I experimentally turned myself male. It worked, but felt weird now that I'd been sexless for a while. Then I tried a female.

It also worked, and I finally understood why Suzui was so grumpy all the time.

Breasts were a pain to run with. I went back to being sexless for now, my long hair coming in handy once again to allow for me to fit in on either side of the spectrum.

By the time I was back to the Guild, Adventurers were everywhere. A large amount were crowded around the Dungeon Status Board, while others were eyeing up the Quests for tomorrow, and a few were chatting at tables. I overheard bits and pieces while examining the board for anything Blacksmith related.

"Isn't it crazy!? I never thought the difficulty of the Anded Dungeon could be any harder, but now nobody can even get passed the Fifth Floor!" An excitable Adventurer bounced while talking to his friends, continuing to complain about the Advanced Dungeon.

We had the entrances to three Dungeons in Owari, just like each of the cities in Seikatsu, and all of them were Undead Dungeons.

Each city had one Beginner, one Intermediate, and one Advanced Dungeon.

"What do you think is on Floor Five?" Asked another Adventurer, clearly setting up a trap to tease their friend.

"Something evil." I blinked. Evil, huh? I guess I was a murderer now, even if it wasn't by choice, and my diet consisted of mortal souls.

"It's nothing but Skeletons though." I tuned out the rest of the conversation, spotting a request for an Item from Shindiru, the Beginner Dungeon.

I picked it up, and grinned. With the money from it, I could finish repairing the church and maybe even put in some security and other upgrades. If that thing was my soul, I sure as hell wasn't letting it look like a half-burned storage shed.

I could sell whatever other Items or things I got from Looting to buy Spells. Such as Warp. It would come in handy if I ended up getting summoned back to the Anded Dungeon's Fifth Floor.

Just then, an alto pitch called out to me, sounding too frustrated to be Human.

"Chi, where did you disappear to again!? You get a girlfriend or something!?" Suzui's path was cleared, Adventurers all side-stepping as she barreled through.

"No, I was practicing my Spells." She huffed.

"Sure whatever. Wait...did you say Spells? Since when could you do more than one? Also why do you have glasses?" I sighed, trying to get her to calm down so that not every Adventurer half-listening knew what I could do.

"I can use Aquatic Blast now, and I bought the Incinerator Spell. I found the glasses lying around." Suzui grew flushed with excitment, already ready to drag me around again.

"Come on then! You need to practice if you wanna finish that Quest." I tried following more this time, so that my shoulders wouldn't get dislocated from all the yanking, and we were soon back in the practice field.

Suzui dutifully made some Gollums of a few different elements, her Air Gollums being the strongest. She faced me.

"Can you use Incinerator yet?" I shook my head.

"Nope, haven't looked at the Chart." She rose her brows, indignant.

"Well, read it then." I did as demanded, glad that Suzui was too distracted by my Magic to still be angry over my disappearance.

The Chart glowed as it used it's Enchanter's Magic to imprint the technique and information into my brain. Then, what was left of the scroll reverted to a blank sheet of paper.

I grinned. It was time to steal the oxygen from the air.