White Girl By Treasure Marie Denise Jackson


In the beginning credits, this captions comes on in understandable for children yet beautiful fonts "If you're parents are being mean to you, call 911 and tell a teacher and the 911 exactly what's happening to you. Be detailed. Tell them they're hitting you and saying mean things to you, tell them they're beating you up and that it may not just be a spanken. Tell them all the mean things they said so that they can know that it's abuse that is happening to you." The narrator reads it out to the children.

Captions: "If you are being attacked by your husband, call 911. Leave the relationship. All these type of husbands give is empty promises."

Two Irish Americans are in college, the woman named Reeda stares at a boy named Terry for the entire class session. They both have brown eyes and black hair.

After class, they go and have sex in a dorm room.


Captions: 9 months later...


Reeda is big bellied, she goes into labor and is rushed to a hospital.

Reeda gives birth to a baby girl with black hair and brown eyes like her parents, she names the baby "Amaris." She tells the doctor and then the father of Amaris writes the baby's name on the birth certificate. Amaris has black hair and brown eyes.

When Reeda brought the baby home, her parents sat her down.

Reeda's mom said "God wants you to obey your parents, I'd like you to put up your child for adoption." Reeda freaks out yelling "NO!"


Captions: 4 days later...


Reeda is trying to continue her studies, Reeda is sleep deprived, Amaris is on the floor in a wet dirty diaper as Terry, Amaris' father, tries to study while playing video games.

Terry gets the baby and plays with her as the baby cries and her diapers get worse when she poops herself again, he hands her to Reeda who says "I'll change her diaper after my schoolwork."

Terry puts the baby on the floor. Terry goes and does his homework for College.


Captions: The next day...


Reeda and Terry are talking. Terry says "I'm not ready for a kid, I'm not willing to change dirty diapers, they're nasty, I am not willing to simply get off the couch to change my own daughter's diaper, it's like she's a doll that I got tired of."

Reeda replied "I don't want her to go." Then Terry shouts in anger at Reeda "You don't take care of her until the crying at night gets too hard, we're both lazy freaks!"


Captions: 5 hours later...


Reeda is on the phone talking to social workers saying "I'd like to place my baby up for adoption?"


Captions: 2 days later...


Social workers come inside the house, Terry is changing the baby's diaper thinking "I don't want them to know that I'm a screw up." Then Reeda breastfeeds Amaris.

Once social workers see the baby, Terry quickly plopped the baby in the female social worker named Hydy's arms yelling "I don't think I can handle it." Reeda is tearing up saying "I'm sorry, Amaris." Looking at her daughter. Terry hugs Reeda and holds her back from getting the baby from social workers.

The social workers drive to the place with the baby.


Captions: 10 days later...


Timairia is with her husband Jackson, they are at their wedding, they kiss then after the wedding they go and have sex. On their honeymoon, they go into a feild and meet a man named "Ryka!" Timairia yelled. Ryka was a Russian man, Ryka was so friendly, asks them "How are you? You good?" Timairia grabs him and then drags him into an alley and shout "CRACKER!" Timairia pulls out a blade, then he shoves it into Ryka's throat.

Jackson drags his body in front of a tree facing a police station, nobody is outside of the station to see him.

He ran off, the police come out of the station and see the dead body of Ryka.

One dark-skinned male black officer asks the other Pure Cherokee officer "Who did this to him?" In horror.


Captions: 4 days later...


In the dark, Timairia and her husband plan a wicked plan. They sit on a bed and talk to one another, Jackson says "Let's adopt a white baby, we have full control on her, no one checking up on us, no threats of her getting taken away, we can abuse her all we want." Timairia asks "Why would you want to adopt some ugly white child?!" Jackson says "Revenge, lets be honest, she'll turn out like all the other white people. She's going to deserve it. We'll use her as an example, there are some people who hear abuse and get upset but do nothing. We'll rape her, enslave her, beat her, then hang her when she's 19. We'll show the world just how black people feels about the oppression of our race!"

Timairia agreed by nodding.


Captions: 7 days later...


They go to an adoption center and see Amaris on a blanket on the floor crying as another social worker tends to her needs by trying to get her to try a bottle for the first time.

Timairia sees the social worker squeeze the bottle and then drips of milok flow into Amaris' mouth, Amaris opens her mouth wide and then takes in the bottle.

Jackson points at Amaris and says "That one." Timairia says "Yeah. She's cute. Is she pure white?" The social worker says "Is she what? She's Irish." Timairia lies "I don't care about race, it's just that she looks... Not really mixed with anything like most Americans." While laughing.

The social worker giggles then says "It's going to take a while to adopt because she's still a baby." Timairia says "Can we take another?" The social worker says "This is one of the only white babies in the orphanage-" Timairia cuts him off of his sentence saying "Okay, we'll take her."


Captions: 2 years later...


In a court room, the African-American woman judge says "It's been two years too long a wait for these wonderful foster to adoptive parents of Amaris Hay Loft. I grant you parenthood. You will care for this child as your own."

Then the parents sign the papers, things go smoothly.

Nobody knows the parent's true intentions, these guys are able to hide abuse very well. They didn't abuse her physically the whole time she was fostered because that left marks, nor sexually.


Captions: 4 days later...


The baby is brought home from daycare by Timairia and her husband Jackson who gives Amaris a dirty look. After getting her in the house, they put her in her crib and abandon her in there and then go and have sex.

Then, Jackson locks the baby's room door and then goes back to having sex with his wife.


Captions: The next day...


Jackson plants cotton in the backyard, white neighbors behind his house see this in shock and awe.


Captions: The next day...


The plan is starting up. He takes his wife and has sex with her and then goes outside plants more cotton.

Amaris opens the unlocked door to the yard and watches them in perplexed confusion. Amaris asks "Mommy, daddy, what are you guys doing?!" Amaris sees the cotton and then laughs saying "That's a funny stick!" There are cotton sticks and seeds being planted. Amaris then looks at her mom and says "The stick has cotton on it!" In laughter, she finds it funny that cotton grows on sticks, she didn't know it could be grown.


Captions: 5 days later...


Amaris is getting whipped by her dad who says "You'll need to get used to this!" Amaris is crying and screaming "What's going on?! What's wrong with you?!"


Captions: 6 days later...


Amaris is being cornered by her parents, Amaris is in deep confusion and shocked perplexion. Amaris asks in confusion "Mommy, Are you okay?" To her mom.

Then Timairia pinches her, then Jackson grabbed her and kicked her in the face 4 times.


Captions: 5 years later...


Amaris is 7-years-old, her parents are in the kitchen, Amaris is happily tending to the cotton fields, nobody bothers her while she does this, she's in the front yard so neighbors are watching her in deep, deep confusion.

AMaris looks at the black neighbors waving and yelling "I love you!" Then she gives the white ones dirty looks and goes back to farming. The black neighbors just smiled back and waved.

Amaris picks the cotton and puts it in a basket then takes the cotton in her home. She leaves it by the refrigerator.

Amaris goes upstairs and then Amaris goes to sleep. Amaris' dad goes up to her room and grabs her by the head and then wakes her up by banging her head onto the wall repeatedly while she screams "HELP!" Timairia goes to her room, sees Amaris, then laughs and goes back to the kitchen.

Timairia gets a bucket of ice cream and eats it while her husband gets into Amaris bed and sexually assaults her We don't see it, we see her shadow on the wall trying to get away in fear of the situation. Amaris' has NEVER been raped before in her whole life until now!

Amaris woke up next to her naked father, she was naked. Amaris got out of bed and dressed herself in the clothes he wore up to get them off. Her mouth was wide open, her eyes were groggy and foggy, she looked so spaced out.

Amaris went downstairs to find her mother drinking wine on the couch watching television. Amaris tells her mom "Daddy just made me touch his privates." Her mother looks at her, dropping her wine, she remembered the plan but it made her angry, still. Timairia asks Amaris "Did you start it?" Amaris yells in complete disgust "Heck n'all!"

She said "n'all" instead of "no" because she grew up with two black parents who used slang and due to her childish state, it influanced her to speak the same way.

Amaris went and sat on the couch spaced out, she laid there for 6 hours...


Captions: 6 hours of laying down later...


Upstairs, Timairia is beating up her husband yelling "You're supposed to tell me when you do things like this!" Out of jealousy. Amaris finally woke up, it wasn't fresh, no new start, there was still pain in her heart from the rape. She places her hands around her body and clutched onto herself tightly. Her hands shake.

Amaris gets off of the couch and goes of the garden in the backyard and then picks the cotton from the yard, there is no basket, she carries it in her arms into the house, she places the cotton in the basket she put near the fridge.

Amaris sees her dad run downstairs and beat up Amaris, he bashed her head against the floor, he punched her in the face, he slapped her 6 times, he choked her until she passed out and then he ran back upstairs and fought his wife who punched him in the gut.


Captions: The next day...


Amaris woke up, she was still on the floor, nobody moved her.


Beautiful Captions: Only God saved this poor child from death.


Amaris got up and went outside to pick cotton, then she went to her room and pulled out her painting board and then took out paint supplies and painted a pretty realistic picture of a white woman getting raped by a black man, the white woman was dressed in slaves' clothes, Amaris looked spaced out while painting. There was cotton surrounded the white woman's head but not the man's, the man was dressed like a slave owner.

She was venting in a way about her life. This was to help her get rid of trauma.


Captions: The next day...


Amaris painted the same photo but the races were switched, this time the white woman was black and the black man was white. The cotton in this painting was crimson red, the floor was a gross green, the sky was black, the black woman's heart showed, her heart was a gross green to show how the black woman felt as the white man raped her.


Captions: 5 hours later...


Amaris is cooking dinner for her parents, she serves them pancakes, Jackson takes a spoon, heats it up in the fire of the stove and then presses it against her skin.

Amaris cries as Timairia giggles.


Captions: 7 hours later...


Amaris is standing on a stool as Timairia puts a noose around her neck. Amaris shouts "Daddy!" Jackson ran up to her room, then he sees her then yells "Aren't we gonna wait until she's 19?"

Amaris pulls the noose off of her then ran outside. Timairia ran outside, grabbed her then dragged her back in the house as if Amaris was in a horror movie.


Captions: The next night...


Amaris painted a picture of a little white child girl getting raped by a black woman. She painted one hand on the girl's neck, the other going down the girl's body.

Amaris was sobbing as she painted it.

Jackson walks in and sees it saying "What's this?" Amaris says "I painted it." Jackson looks at it and laughs saying "What?" Jackson pauses at it for a bit, then states "It should be in a museum." Amaris looks at him in happiness because it was a complement to her, she smiles saying "Really?"


Captions: The next day...


The three paintings Amaris painted are going to be in a museum, her parents are getty and excited, Amaris is jumping up and down in pleasure at the idea of getting her painting in a museum, where all the greats go!

Her dad whispered in her ear "If you tell anyone what you made, that you made it, that is, I'll rape you then kill you." This took away all the happiness and replaced it with sadness and total shock and fear of the situation.

The museum owners signed a piece of paper and then took the paintings and hung them up on the wall. Amaris looked at them in happiness. Amaris says "I'm an artist!" Her mom laughs at her saying "No, you're not! Stop lying! I painted that!"

The black museum owner asks "Really? You did? This is awesome! Very sad, but awesome!"


Captions: An hours later...


The family goes home and then a black family's moving van is seen across the street. Amaris stares at it as she picks cotton and plants it.

A little black boy named Terrell went in the house with his family, the Diamond family, the mother was named Ebony Diamond, the son was named Terrell Diamond, the father was named Xavier Diamond.

Amaris stares at the family saying "They're black, we need more black people in the neighborhood." Tilting her head left and right in wonder.

Xavier saw her then yells "Hey, neighbor!" Amaris giggles then goes to their new house.

She helps them put their stuff in the house without their permission and they just roll with it. After she's done helping them, they sit at the new dinner table as she drinks milk and dips cookies in it asking "Why do you dip milk in cookies?" Ebony, an ebony black-brown skinned woman told her "It's tasty."

The whole family was dark-skinned and beautiful, they dressed well, and looked rich. Terrell Diamond tells Amaris "You're pretty." Amaris asks "Why would you lie to me like that?" The family looked at her in shocked confusion and perplexity, Xavier told her "You're not ugly, you're beautiful." Amaris smiled.


Captions: The next month...


Amaris is at her own home in the bed with with her own parents, her parents are naked, Amaris is shocked and confused, she's very concerned, she gets out of the bed in her undies and dressed herself, she's never been raped like that before, not in a threesome.

Amaris put on her clothes. Amaris cries as she goes to the painting board and paints a bed, two people are on it, she paints a black boy raping a white girl and a black woman cheering him on while in the bed pulling the white girl's hair. None of them are naked because she's too traumatized to see naked people.

Amaris cries while painting.


Captions: 6 hours later...


Amaris is being attacked by her mom, her mom beats her up and grabs a vase and hits her upside the head with it laughing.


Captions: 5 hours later...


Amaris is seen banging her head on the wall, her own head, she herself is banging her head on the wall.

Amaris paints the situation with her parents, in the painting, her dad is raping her, her mother is watching and laughing hysterically.


Captions: 1 month later...


At the museum, we see her new paintings on the museum wall.


Captions: 3 hours later...


She's at a company and she gives her buckets of cotton to three black men and four white men who take it and put it in a truck then one of the black men tell her "Thank you."

One of the four white men gives her parents $400. Her dad says "MORE." It scares the men, so they give her mom $1,200. Then the four white men and three black men go in the truck and drive off as Amaris' parents decide to leave. After that, her parents go home and then beat her up inside the house.

The Diamond family mother knocks on the door so Amaris does as she is chore'd with doing and opens the door.

Terrell says "My mom wants a playdate!" Amaris is confused asking "What's a playdate?"


Captions: 4 hours later...


The children are playing happily with each other.

Xavier decides to use the internet on Amaris' parents computer, he notices it isn't working and yells "Can I plug in your router?! Which cord-" Amaris yells "Got it!" Then she rana nd goes to the router and looks at it but both plugs are plugged in and the router has all blue colors, meaning the internet should be fully on.

Amaris looks behind her computer and sees the plug is plugged in. Amaris yells "Mommy! The router is on but the plugs are in and the internet is being stinky!"

Timairia yells "Yo' you broke it!" Amaris yells as if she's a monster with a demonic disposition "I'M NOT A BREAKER! I FIXED IT BUT IT WON'T WORK! YOU SLUT!" It startled Xavier who was taught to respect his parents. Amaris starts crying loudly as if somebody cut her in the face 50 times.

Xavier hugs her saying "No, you didn't break it!" In perplexion. Amaris cries even louder yelling "I messed up!" Terrell went in and saw her asking "What's wrong?" Amaris, startled by him, screams and kicks at him but her legs cannot reach Terrell, luckily.

Terrell looks at her in perplexed confusion. Amaris cries loudly.


Captions: After the playdate which lasted not very long...


Terrell goes home across the street, Amaris is locked in her room with Timairia, who took off her shirt, rolled it up, then told Amaris to "Get on the floor, lay flat on your face, lay face down." Amaris did as told. Timairia whipped her with the shirt 40 times. Timairia saw it wasn't that damaging, Timairia took off her belt and whipped her 20 times.

Amaris cried as Timairia then started ripping the clothes off of Amaris, she tore them to shreads.

Timairia giggles seeing Amaris whimper then says "White people killed my parents, they kidnapped my husband's but mine, he can see his, I'll never see mine again!" Then Timairia whipped the poor child 50 more times.


Captions: 6 hours later...


Amaris sees Timairia taking off her clothes to take a shower. Timairia tells Amaris as they are both in the bathroom together "We'll take a bath together." Amaris ran out of the bathroom in total shock at what her mom was trying to do and unlocked the front door and went outside and hid in the cotton field.

Amaris cried for help yelling "Mommy's going to have sex with me!" Terrell ran to her asking "What's sex?" Amaris said "It's evil!"


Captions: 6 hours later...


Terrell is in his home with Amaris playing. Ebony looks at Amaris in shock and fear for the poor child. Amaris' behavior was getting worse and more alarming.

Amaris asks Ebony "What's your name?"

Ebony replies "My name is Ebony Diamond. My husband's name is Xavier Diamond, and my son's name is..."

Terrell shouts "Terrell Diamond!" His mom giggles as Amaris shouts "Why are you guys all named Diamond? Are you all made of Diamonds?"

Ebony says "Last name, Our minds are Diamonds, though." Amaris cries saying "I wish I was a Diamond." Causing Ebony to be deeply concerned for her well-being.


Captions: 5 hours alter...


Ebony reads the bible to the children.

Amaris asks "The bible is real?" Ebony says "God's word is true." Amaris says "No, I mean, the bible as in a book, the book is real? They have the book in real life?"

Ebony asks "What do you mean?" Amaris says "My mommy told me there was no such thing as a bible." Ebony stared at her stunned along with her son and peering around the corner husband.

Xavier took his wife's bible and showed it to Amaris saying "My wife and I would like to introduce the bible to you, then." Ebony says "We're married." Amaris said "I thought my parents were the only married people in the world!"


Xavier reads "PSALM 1

1. Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.

2. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law does he meditate day and night.

3. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.

4. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind drives away.

5. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

6. For the LORD knows the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish."

Once he's done reading, Terrell copies him saying "PSALM 1

1. Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.

2. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law does he meditate day and night.

3. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.

4. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind drives away.

5. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

6. For the LORD knows the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish."


Amaris asks "Why?" Terrell says "Because they're EVIL." Amaris asks "Like sex?" Which shocks Terrell's parents, Terrell says "EVEN WORSE."


Captions: An hour later...


Amaris goes home and plants some cotton seeds in the garden and goes inside her house. Amaris pulls out raw meat and cooks it well-done in the oven. She starts a timer and set it to 40 minutes.

After that, she gets it out of the oven and serves it to her hungry parents. Her parents eat the food as if they were rich, polite and well-mannered.

Amaris cooks herself some cereal. It'd offend her parents to see her eating well.

Her mom says "You cain't have this food. Once we're done, take this food to Ebony's house."

Amaris thinks "I can have some of it if I take it to her house and ask to eat it there."

After they eat, Amaris takes the plates, there's still food on them so she puts the food in a zip lock bag and puts the zip lock in the fridge, then she cleans the remains off of the plates in the sink, then she puts them in the washing dryer for plates and puts hand sanitizer, dish washing soap, body wash, all that in the soap department of the machine then turned it on.

Amaris takes the food from the fridge while humming, then puts it in the microwave. She turns around to see Timairia in shock, Timairia giggles saying "You look pretty. why didn't take that food to Ebony's house as requested?" Amaris said "I was washing the dishes, I need to keep it fresh so I put it in the fridge before I finished with the dishes." Timairia slaps her saying "You should have washed them at Ebony's house. You dryin' up my sink!"

Amaris cries and pees herself. Timairia laughs then says "I better clean that!" Amaris ran to the bathroom, shocking Timairia, Amaris locked herself in there and then takes her clothes off and turns the water on for herself and then grabs soap from the cabinet in there and pours it in the bath water and then sits in the bathtub with the empty bottle of soap.

Amaris cups the water in her hands and pours it onto her head and body. When she's done, she takes the clothes and she washes them in the bath water with body wash soap she got from the cabinet.

Amaris sits on the bathroom floor and cries.


Soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FqNYEy48xQ


Captions: 1 year later...


On Amaris' birthday.

At Terrell's house, they threw a party for her, she's actually pretty happy, she has her hair in Afro-American braids despite being White Irish. She's wearing a Ariel The little mermaid dress, she's wearing a crown and she has on clip on earrings and bracelets. She has on a diamond ring.

A cartoony art piece of a little white girl playing cheerfully with a black girl is being painted by her at the party, once she's done, the kids laugh with her about it and Amaris says "Lets go play in the bouncy house!"

Then they all go to the bouncy house. On the bouncy house it says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMARIS!"

They bounce around and hug each other, Amaris hugs Terrell and has a blast at the party.

They all get out of the bounce house, Amaris gets the biggest piece of cake and eats it with Terrell, her best friend.

Terrell kisses her on the cheek and then hugs her as the adults say "Awe!" Staring at them.


They dance to cool trip lee Lord have mercy --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc3TwiPbVJM


They keep dancing and throwing pillows at each other, playing with toys, eating cake, throwing cake, just all around having fun.

After the party, Amaris spends the night with Terrell.

They hug and sleep in the same bed.

After they wake up at night, Terrell asks her "Are you okay?" Amaris cries saying "Yes, this was the best day ever!"


Soundtrack: https://youtu.be/S8Ib_mmqNJQ?list=PLp3-KQ922RELlU_q8bmxEMtweK_b8jo0j


Terrell yells "YAY!" Then Amaris gets out of bed and he goes to her and picks her up but she's heavy and he spins her around and then he puts her down, they go downstairs and she bakes him chicken and then they eat it and it actually tastes good because she knows how to cook.

Terrell asks Amaris "Amaris, How do you know how to cook?" Amaris replies "Well, Terrell, my mom taught me so I could be her houseslave." This made Terrell's eyes go wide with confusion.


Captions: 5 hours later...


At Amaris' home, she goes to bed as her adoptive parents argue and throws things at each other. She falls asleep.


Captions: The next day...


Timairia goes into her room and grabs her by her hair yelling "There's a deadline and I need you to paint something real quick!" So, Amaris painted a cartoony pastel cute picture of a white baby being carried and loved by her black mother. Something she wished to have from her mom.

Amaris wasn't sure if this was true love, but she just made a good guess. Timairia tells her "I hate you. This picture ain't reality." Timairia then dragged her away from the photo and puts her in the bathroom and locked her in the bathroom.


Soundtrack: https://youtu.be/Gc-YcyyI1cg


Amaris goes outside and sees social workers outside.

Amaris is in shock. They go inside her house and the male social worker tells her parents "Amaris hasn't been going to school."

Amaris is at Terrell's house playing outside in the backyard with him dancing around.

They sing the soundtrack music's song.

Amaris' mother says "I have to put her in school?"

Captions: 1 month later...

Amaris is going to elementary school, tons of native-American children, white children, Latinx children, mixed children and black children go to the school.


The child are singing the new soundtrack except for Amaris --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYQCDBR467I - Until I found the lord.


Amaris is going to Church school. Amaris looks at all the white children with such nasty looks.

Amaris steps on the one who sat next to her's foot and he yelled "OW!"

Captions: The next day at Church school...

Amaris pulls a knife on one of the white children and stabs the white child in the arm with the knife.


Soundtrack starts up again --> https://youtu.be/Gc-YcyyI1cg


Amaris in the worried black woman principal's office, her parents are laughing. The principal asks "Mr. and Mrs. Hay Loft, Why are you two laughing?" In fear. Timairia looks at Amaris and says "You still garbage." Her dad Jackson says "Little slut tried to stab another little slut and now you want us to handle that because the girl is white?"

The principal saw how sad Amaris, Amaris cried as the principal told her dad "You have to enforce rules!" Her dad yells "I do, but there ain't nothin' wrong here."

The principal: "Yes there is. You two are nuts, you are evil as heck, what's wrong with you two racists?!"

At home, the Diamond family came over to Amaris' home as usual and played with Amaris.

When they went home, Terrell stared at the strange tiny cotton field on the front lawn. Amaris went and tended to it in front of him.

Amaris was picking cotton as her parents were having sex in the living room on the couch.

Amaris went inside, saw them, gasps then goes upstairs to her room yelling "STOP HAVING SEX!" They completely stop, look up the stairs, the mother hugs her breasts in deep shock.

After they are finished having sex, Jackson got dressed as his wife gets dressed, then Jackson ran up to her room, saw her, went to the living room, goes to Amaris' room as Amaris is terrified and threw the T.V. at her, Amaris got out of the way.

Amaris took the T.V. and threw it back at him. Amaris and him got into a fist fight, she was only 6-years-old but she was throwing punches while he was throwing punches.

Amaris ended up punching him in the face, then she grabs that T.V. and bashed him in the head with it as he laid on the floor in shock.

Amaris ran out of the house with the bloody T.V., her dad was still alive. He got up off the floor in pain and called 911.

Amaris drops the T.V. as she ran into The Diamond Family's home. Terrell saw her bruised and bleeding. the police showed up at her home and she was hiding under Terrell's bed.

The ambulance came and put her and her dad in the hospital... They stayed there for 1 month. This was because Amaris refused to leave.

The doctors go to Amaris saying "Okay, you're daddy can leave now." Amaris yells "I wanna stay here!"

Amaris goes into the waiting room in tears out of her hospital bed. The doctor says "The only reason we let her stay here is because her dad was here and she's messed up, she should have gone home by now."


Captions: 6 days later...


Amaris is being locked in the bathroom. Jackson and his wife are making out on the bed in their bedroom. Timairia rubs him on the chest saying "Lets go onto more important things." Then they have sex. After that, They allow Amaris who is crying in the bathroom out of the bathroom.


Soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AesNaKmLHwY


Amaris was dragged out by her hair, Then Jackson cleared out the fridge, he even took out the cage like trays and put her in it, they didn't kill her as Timairia says "Good luck with this COLD FRIDGE!" They closed the fridge with her in there.

Jackson took some of the food he took out of the fridge and cooked it then ate it as Amaris was screaming "Let me out!"


Soundtrack: https://youtu.be/oYc6FP2FhyA


Captions: 3 minutes later...


Jackson opened the fridge to see Amaris shivering. Timairia says "If you hurt my husband again, we'll freeze you to death."

Amaris nodded, Jackson took Amaris to the backyard and left her out there and locked her out.

Amaris goes to her best friend Terrell's house and then knocks on the front door. Terrell opens the door asking "You're alive?!"

Amaris hugs him saying "I missed you." Terrell asks her "Why did you stab that white girl in school?"

Amaris thinks for a bit then sadly tells him "I stabbed her because white people are evil."


Soundtrack: https://youtu.be/Y53tfTO8iqI


Amaris is told by Terrell "Not all white people are evil!" Amaris is shocked by that statement saying "That's what my mommy always told me."


Soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evX8W9X_CXo


Amaris and him go to the park and play on the swings, He takes her hand and they go to an ice cream man. The ice cream truck is painted in pastel colors.

Terrell hands her an ice cream he bought her, then he kissed her on the lips. Amaris slaps him yelling "HECK N'ALL!" He cries saying "Why did you hit me?!" She yells "You kissed me!"


Captions: 5 hours later...


They're playing together. She tickles him and he tickles her back. Terrell says "I forgive you for slapping me." Amaris says "It's okay and You already told me that."


Soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5wMCZ1cZwU


Amaris hugs him and plays with him more, they play on the swings, kiss each other on the cheeks, then they play on the merry-go-round.

Amaris asks him "Is this love?" So, Terrell responds "Of course, we're friends, friends love each other!" With the biggest smile ever.

Amaris takes him to a pond and put his hand in the pond saying "We're water friends, now!" Then Terrell hugs her out of the blue, so she hugs him back because she likes his hugs.

Xavier Diamond goes to them and then hugs them saying "Hey kids!" Amaris asks "Xavier, are you my friend?" Xavier yells "We all are!"

At home, Amaris went to her mom's room, she found tanning products but they were for BLACK WOMEN. Not white girls. Especially not for children. She took one of them, went to the bathroom, rubbed the tanning cream on her pale white girl arms and waited.


Amaris has black hair and brown eyes, She looks like these boys who put tanning lotion on: https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/SrxEPh4vhDHjoIw4tPAZcg--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTU5Ng--/https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/cbULKMLgjLcF86fCxhw0.g--~B/aD00NDc7dz03MjA7YXBwaWQ9eXRhY2h5b24-/http://media.zenfs.com/en/homerun/feed_manager_auto_publish_494/cd4e0eaa190c100b955cdbe0be28e0f3


This wasn't the best idea.


Info on tanning: https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/tanning.html


Amaris looks in the mirror happy about her "New race" as she prefers to be black rather than white -- She hates being white. Her parents drilled that into her.

Amaris went to her parents room, they were laying in their own bed naked after having sex, they were asleep. Amaris was scared to wake them up, so she sat on the floor and waited for them to wake up. Once they did, they looked at her in shocked, Timairia yells "WHO ARE YOU?!" Amaris says "I'm Amaris!" Then Amaris thinks then says "Wow, Having a different skin CAN make you look different."

Timairia looks at her in disgust as Jackson laughs. Timairia asks her "What are you doing?!" Amaris says "I don't like being white, but now that I'm black, you'll love me like my friends do!" With the biggest NAIVE SMILE.

Captions: 6 hours later...

Timairia is harshly scrubbing the fake tan off of Amaris. Timairia yells "STUPID! FREAK! BLACK FISH TRICK! BLACK FACE SLUT!" As Amaris cries. Amaris thinks "Nothing works." Timairia yells "Get your own skin!" Amaris cries yelling "I will when you do!" Because she got the lotion from Timairia's closet.

Timairia takes bleach and pours it on Amaris' black hair. It turns light blonde, Amaris screams in pain. Amaris' head is dunked by Timairia into the water.


Captions: 6 hours later...


At the hospital...

Amaris sees her bleach blonde hair in the hospital as Terrell is there with his family and he shows her in the mirror saying "You are still just as beautiful." Which makes Amaris smile.


Captions: 6 months later...


Amaris is staying with Terrell for 6 months from now on, her parents give his parents her crappy things saying "Goodbye, have fun with the 6 months, Amaris!" Then they leave. Amaris was jumping and cheering yelling "I don't have to live with my mommy and daddy! YAY!"

They spend time with each other, Ebony braids Amaris' hair. Amaris gets two cookies along with her best friend, Terrell. Amaris kissed Terrell on the cheeks, one kiss for each.


Captions: 3 months later...


In Terrell's bedroom, Amaris kisses him on cheek then goes to sleep. Terrell goes to sleep as well.

In the morning, they eat bacon and cheese sandwiches. Ebony eats a giant of bowl of sausages and Xavier eats a giant bowl of candy.

They eat at the dinner table.

At night, the family dances in the yard.


Captions: 6 minutes later...


Ebony is rubbing bump lotion on her son's armpit then does the same for Amaris' armpit.


Captions: 7 minutes later...


Amaris is cooking fried chicken, she yells in the kitchen "Mom taught me how to make fried chicken! Thanks for having good grease, I put in some sausage burnt grease and sausage grease, this is gonna taste real good! I'm also making fried sausages. The grease is the best part!"


Captions: 8 minutes later...


Soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5wMCZ1cZwU


The parents love the sausages and chicken. Amaris says "I learned how to make fried sausage all by my self!" Proudly. Terrell loves the chicken but not so keen on the sausage.

After they ate, Terrell left behind the rest of the sausage, so, knowing she'd be back with her adoptive parents, she decided to take it and put it in a zip lock bag, then she thinks "But it'll go bad soon." So, she ate it that day. Terrell tells her "I liked the sausage but it was too thick." Then he went to his room. Amaris cried.

Xavier held her saying "It's alright."


Captions: 8 hours later...


Amaris and Terrell wake up from sleeping for 7 hours and then go play.

Amaris and Terrell talk saying "Lets play hide and seek."

Outside behind a bush, Amaris hides with Terrell as his parents try to find them. Terrell whispers to Amaris "You go hide in multiple different-" Amaris says "I got it!" Amaris hears them coming, so she sneaks past without being noticed...

Amaris hides behind a tree outside, she hears Ebony coming closer so Amaris' bleach blonde hair flows as she ran to hide behind the next tree.

Ebony catches her yelling "HI!" Amaris ran off in shock as a reflux reaction.

Amaris is good at hiding due to trying to hide from her adoptive parents and her running as a reflux reaction comes from when she'd get caught trying to hide, she would automatically start running.

Ebony chases the worried Amaris until Amaris realized she was safe and stopped running.


Captions: 7 minutes later...


Amaris starts painting in the living room, the picture is of Amaris and Terrell hugging each other in a realistic style.


Captions: 2 hours of painting later...


Amaris looks at then lets it dry with a huge smile on her face.


Captions: 4 days later...


The picture is hanging in the museum. Amaris and Terrell and his family stare at it. Amaris hugs Terrell. Xavier asks Amaris "When did you start painting?" Amaris says "I wasn't so good at first, I was... 3-years-old, then I got better and better, I drew cartoons and then I wanted to make them look real so I started trying and when God taught me how when I was five, I think it was God, I don't know, but I started painting really good. I used to paint everyday. On the walls, but mommy hated that, on my coloring books, on my shirts... When I was little, I made my stuff look... Bad at first then good."

Xavier says "Good job, you are... You need to be in a special school."


Captions: 6 months later...


Amaris' parent hadn't shown up, Amaris is happy. They go to McDonald's and eats a kids meals for two kids: Her and Terrell.

The parents have burgers.

Amaris is jumping while sitting down on her bottom happy.


Captions: 6 months later...


Amaris looks out the window to see her parents going onto the front lawn and knocking on the door, Ebony opens the front door for Amaris and then yells "OH MY GOSH!" At the shocking sight of Amaris' parents actually showing up. Amaris' parents barge into the home and carry Amaris out as Amaris is kicking and screaming.

Ebony shouts "There are only 12 months in a year, it's been over a year, where were you two!? It's been around 15 months!" Amaris was 7-years-old, now.


Captions: 2 years later...


Amaris is nine-years-old, she now goes to a mostly native-American school with minimal black and white bullied children. The white children are defended by the black kids from the native-American children because in this school they bully the white children.

Amaris is guarded by a black boy named Travis, Travis kisses her on the cheek as Terrell follows behind. Amaris kisses Travis on the lips, a Cherokee boy ran to Amaris yelling "CRACKER!" Then punched her in the face, So, Terrell and Travis fought the boy. Amaris was angry at the bullying from the boy, so she punches the boy too and the boy fights back but Amaris never gives up, she pinned him to the floor with bloodshot and crazed eyes. The boy who punched her says "I'm sorry!" Terrell yells "YEah, you crazy, too!"

They ended up in the principal's office. The Man Navajo Principal says "You white people always want privilege." Amaris says "I don't want any, I don't even really like being white, but I do want them to stop picking on me!" A Cherokee teacher comes in saying "Now, leave her alone, Mr. Jack! She's a little girl!" Amaris asks the teacher "Why does your name keep changing?" The teacher says "I'm a different person, it's Cherokee culture."

His name is Clyde. She says "But you're name was something native that meant something cool and now it's Clyde?"

During recess, Amaris tells Terrell "I'm gonna climb that tree!" Travis says "I will!" Terrell yells "No, don't do that!" Travis climbs the tree anyway, then he slowly slides down the tree on accident, tries again, slides down, tries 5 times all are fails, then the last she succeeds, they cheer for him yelling "Yay, TRAVIS TYRONE!!"

Travis yells "I'm gonna do something cool!" Travis stands on a tree branch, pees on it, leaving the whole playground staring at him in disgust and deep perplexionous confusion, then he jumps up and down on the branch. His friends look art him with the most disgust ever with their mouths scrunched then their mouths turn wide open. Amaris looks at Terrell in shock and disgust and perplexous confusion.

Travis pulls a knife out of his pocket then he turns around and starts trying to cut the branch off but in a stupid way, in a way that'd make him fall with the branch.

Travis said "I'ma fly!"


Terrell yell "You big ole dumby, what are you doing?!"

Travis yells "I'ma cut this branch off and fly!" Then Travis falls down and Amaris catches him yelling "OH NO!"

Once she does, he cries as she says "It's okay, Travis, you'll do better next time." In a gentle and nice tone of voice.

At home, Amaris is beaten up by Timairia. Jackson watches. Timairia tells Jackson "Give her a good time in the bedroom."

Jackson grabs Amaris who screams "NO!" He rapes her but we don't see it happening.


Captions: The next month...


Amaris is at school hiding from bullies. She's hiding from her parents. Her parents are trying to take her home from school.

A person from the school walks to them saying "Hi, are you Mr. and Mrs. Hay Loft?" Their last name is literally Hay Loft, no joke.

He's a teacher named Josh, he's White. Josh says "If you'd like, you can go tot he Church the school is setting up for the kids. You know, The bible says Adultery and new wine takes away the heart, men rarely leave for the other woman, RARELY. They hardly ever even care for the offspring they have with her. They'll tell you to have an abortion. The child that comes from adultery has a better father in God and the step-daddy sometimes or the adoptive parent and mother than they do their physical ungodly Father. I came from that type of situation in conception but it doesn't define me as a person, I've been cheated on but never cheated on anyone. You can rise above circumstances."

He was cheated on... And he was conceived from adultery.

Timairia yells at him as if she's straining her lungs "Screw you and your bible bashing so save for Sunday at your church! Religion has caused more pain, suffering and wars than politicians." Amaris hears this and thinks "What about you guys?"

Josh tells her "Actually, there have been tons of wars done out of selfishness and hatred, not religion. Tons of abusive parents hurt their children, not because of God, because God says to be kind to others, they do it because they're wacko crazies, same with abusive husbands, the bible says to love your wife, but they're controlling freaks so they beat her."

Amaris cries hearing this and her parents feel uncomfortable with the conversation.

Jackson yells "What about a beating?! I'd rather that than your religious views!" Amaris yells "I don't! I wouldn't! I would rather God than you freaks!" Then Amaris ran away.

At home...

Amaris' mother yells at her "You cheated with my man! MY MAN!" Amaris yells "You told him to rape me!" Her mom shouts "I did because you were a brat but... You didn't have to stay in the room!" Amaris yells "He wouldn't let me get away!"

Her mother went to her husband and beat him up severely for "cheating on her."

It wasn't Amaris' fault at all. Her mom is... DISTURBED... This was all planned, her parents planned the abuse but sometimes she got so jealous she popped off, even though it's VERY disturbing to be jealous about this. Especially against a child!

She's nuts/crazy/bonkers.

To be continued...