
Paige and cupcake have a fun weekend they spend the weekend watching movies and going to the amusement park. Paige keeps Axel up to date with pictures. Paige thinks it's funny that his brother txt her saying he wanted the pictures too.

Paige thought that Axel must have given her number to him. He would text more than Axel wanting to know where they were and what they got up to, she guesses he's afraid Paige would run off with Charlie. Paige thinks he's a thoughtful uncle, some of his texts are...

(Hey just wondering what you both were up to)

(Hope you don't mind I got your number from my bro just for emergencies)

(Wish I was there)

(Damm cake looks good)

(It's so boring here what you doing, send me more pics)

Axel is due back early tomorrow morning and Paige and cupcake have made cinnamon rolls and some scones for them to have in the morning.

Paige put cupcake to bed and just needed to clean up the kitchen a bit. She sneaks downstairs as cupcake wakes easily and he will probably notice that she's gone. He's knackered though she thought so he should sleep soundly. She turned around and bumps into a muscular and warm wall. She looked up and saw hazel eyes that are almost black, she was about to scream when she realised its Jaxson.

"Oh you scared me, are you both home early?". She looked for Axel but don't see him.

"Not just me, the conference ended early and Axel stayed cause he missed the flight. I stay here sometimes so I thought id meet him here in the morning". Jaxson smiled at his beautiful mate.

"Cupcake is asleep so I'm just going to tidy the kitchen, are you hungry I can make you something?" He smiles again and she can't help but smile back.

"If it's not too much trouble. I rushed to you... not you... I mean I rushed home and missed dinner". Jaxson rubs his nose a trait he had when he lies.

They get to the kitchen and she then realised that she was in her pyjamas and finds it a bit embarrassing but she thought he is still smiling as he goes to sit at the counter. Paige cleaned up the baking stuff and started to make some noodles. She noticed he was still watching her though it feels nice. She finished off his noodles with an egg and some spring onions, handing them to him

"Enjoy, it's nothing special just some noodles. I make them for late-night snacks".

"No that's perfect thank you. I'm sure I will like them". He wolfs them down and Paige clears up again.

"Goodnight, see you in the morning". She makes her way back to cupcake. He says to wait but she's already gone. She was still in my pyjamas and only comfy wearing them around cupcake and not adult males.

Meanwhile downstairs

Damm it Jaxson had raced back for some alone time and he had forgotten to speak as he was too busy eating. Idiot, I missed my chance he thought. Maybe in the morning before Axel gets back Jaxson thought.