I'm the boss

Paige woke up and stretched, or at least she tried too. She had forgotten that Jaxson came to her house last night and that she had let him stay overnight.

He was good, he didn't try or force anything. He just demanded kisses, he was a bit adorable when he was drunk, just like a little puppy begging for kisses or should she say little wolf cub.

She wondered what Jaxson's wolf would look like. Cupcake is a cutie in both forms, both fluffy and sweet.

At the moment Jaxson's legs are wrapped around hers, he has trapped her in his arms. She is an early bird and liked to wake at the same time every morning. No matter whether she got a good nights sleep or not.

Due to this guy, it wasn't a good sleep, not only was there a lack of space because he's huge and she has only a queen-size bed. But also like cupcake he makes noises when he sleeps. If this continued, not that she planned to let him back in her bed any time soon. She definitely would need earplugs till she got used to it. 

Cupcake and Axel will be here soon so she thought she should try to wake Jaxson up.

"Jaxson, time to get up".

"Jax....Jax". After the tenth time calling his name she knew he isn't getting up any time soon so she let him continue to sleep for another bit.

When she saw the sun is a bit brighter she knew that she should try to wake him again.

"Jax, if you wake up now I'll kiss you".

Paige could see his eyes moving and he opened them then slowly they are wide open, his deep dark eyes are sparkling. He then looks down and checks on me, as I was still embraced close to his chest.

"I'm up, I'm up. How did I? Did I do anything embarrassing? I'm sorry". He rambled a bit and Paige thought it was endearing.

"Ok let me up".

"Sorry". She didn't want him to be sorry it was her guilty pleasure that she had ended up enjoying his warmth, she was nightmare free last night for the first time in a long while.

Paige got up and wrapped her robe back around her body. Paige looked over at Jaxson, his hair was messy from being in bed and now as he keeps running his fingers through it. Ok, it is not a bad view to wake up to every morning Paige thought. She could see he's trying to remember and she feels a bit guilty, he was a gentleman last night.

"It is ok, you were fine last night".

"Really, I didn't annoy you?".

Paige grabbed some clothes and went to enter her bathroom.

"No, I found you a bit adorable".

With that last remark, she blushed and went into her bathroom. She was quick to wash and get dressed then she added her signature eyeliner flick and she was good to go. 

As Paige steps out of the bathroom she looks to Jaxson who seems to be beating himself up about his behaviour last night while sitting on her bed. Paige grabbed him two towels and placed them at the bottom of the bed. She then went to the kitchen to grab water and headache tablets and brought them to Jaxson., placing them in his hands.

"Jaxson, tale some tablets for your headache and you can take a shower while I make breakfast you can go to work with Axel when he gets here".

"Ok thanks, oh and Paige". Paige was walking out but stopped when he called her name.


"Can you keep calling me Jax please I like it"?

"Maybe... if your a good little wolfy".

Paige smiled at him and walked out of her room and then waited until she heard him go into the bathroom. She returned to her bedroom, like a typical boy she thought as she lifted his suit off the floor and carried it to her laundry room, she placed it in the wash while he took a shower and she made breakfast. After a while, she plates up the sumptuous breakfast and grabbed his clothes from the wash and placed them into the dryer. She would iron everything later.

Knock Knock 

She knocked and then entered her room. She was greeted by what she could only describe as a Greek gods body. Thor would be jealous of this Adonis in front of her. She wondered if he had an eight pack or possibly more. She realised that in thinking this and standing staring at him she looked like a creep so she gave an awkward cough and walked past him to her wardrobe. She took out her lazy clothes and passed them to him.

"I have your suit in the dryer. If you don't mind wear these for now and after you eat I'm sure your suit will be ready".

"Ok thanks...why do you have a Men's Large?".

"I like to wear them when I'm having a cosy day indoors".

"So they are yours you bought them for yourself and you wear them".

Jaxson wanted to check who the clothes belonged too, he was jealous at the slightest thought that they might be owned by another male.

"Yes, yes and yes. No man has ever stayed over in any of the places I have lived. You the first".

She closed the door behind her and walked to the kitchen. She picked up Jaxson's phone that lay at the front door and put it on the charge for him. She finished up breakfast and the door goes.

Knock Knock 

"Pretty sister". A cute cupcake rushes into her arms.

"Morning cutie, hey Axel. Come on in and sit down for breakfast."

"Thanks, Paige.... wait why is Jaxson here?".

"Hey bro, got a bit tipsy. Don't know how I ended up here. But happy I did".

Paige set down the breakfast on the table. Due to Jaxson's alcohol last night she had made bacon, eggs, sausage, fried soda bread and fried potato bread. They all help themselves and Paige lazily drank her tea. She likes to cook but if she eats like these guys she would be huge in no time.

She went to the laundry room and ironed Jaxson's suit with it all prepared she brought it out to hand to him.

"I've no meetings so I'll wear this today".

"You are going to work in my cosy clothes".


"No, you can't".

"I'm the boss so I can".

"Axel tell him".

"I'm staying out of this I'm Switzerland between you both". He holds his hands up.

"Fine, I want them back though".