I am coming

His hands grabbed her arms and hold them down against the floor as he covers her mouth. She can hear Jaxson's car startup. Please come back. Then she can't hear his car anymore the man holding her down then speaks into her ear in a low and menacing voice.

"I'll let go of your mouth and if you don't scream I won't hurt Charlie."

That has her attention and she completely stopped fighting against him and nods. He then lets go of her mouth.

"Now be good". He says, he grabs the rope and ties her arms together and then her legs.

She got the courage and asked.

"What do you want with me".

"Me nothing, you are a human I don't know what he see's in you".


"Alpha Mark".

"No please no, I have money. Whatever you want".

"It's no good, I can't disobey my Alpha even if I wanted to. Though this is an easy job compared to what he usually requires me to do".

"What does he want with me".

"He wants you back. Now enough chat".

He puts the tape around her mouth. Hot tears stream down her face.

"Now be good and I'll not hurt you or the little boy".

He walks out and she gets on her hands and knees and crawls towards the hall where she had dropped her phone. She finds it and turned the screen on and she hits the last dialled contact and it Dean so she hit the call button.

"Hello, Darlin you there? Hello".

I muffle noises hoping he will help.

The blue SUV parks in my driveway and she dropped the phone and quickly crawls back to where he left her. She can hear his car door bang and his boots walking in.

"Now let's get you back to Alpha Mark. Just be good and when you wake up you will be in his arms".

She muffled a scream as he puts a rag to her nose. It burns and stings as she breaths in. It makes her a headache and makes her sleepy. She closed her eyes to the darkness and watched her house disappear as she is carried outside and into the blue SUV.

Jaxson's car

Jaxson was over the moon, he has a beautiful mate and he can feel that they are bonding and getting closer with each time they meet. She is his angel. He drives back to Axels not wanting to stay at my empty house. They are all gathered in the living room eating pizza and playing games.

"How was the date?". Axel sees his brothers happy expression.


"He's in love".

Dean is sure his Luna will whip Jaxson into a wife slave in no time.


Axel agrees as he sees the smile on his face.

"Pretty sister was beautiful, when can I get a younger cousin to play with".

They all laugh at Charlie.

"As soon as I can get Paige to live with me and agree to have babies".

"That's gonna take ages, I'll help you as long as I get a cousin".


Jaxson was thinking of Paige in his home. Her round belly with my baby's growing inside. I'd be a very lucky man if that happens he thought. He remembered he hadn't asked if she wants kids, but she's good with Charlie so he can't imagine she doesn't want any.

"So how do I get her to move in with me".

Dean, Axel and Charlie all stop their game and look lost in thought.

"You could...".

Ring Ring

"It's Paige. Wonder if she gonna give me details of your date. I'll see where you went wrong".

He threw a cushion at Dean.

"Hello, Darlin you there? Hello".

He looks worried and puts his phone on the table hitting the speaker. There a muffled noises then they can hear a man's voice.

"Now let's get you back to Alpha Mark. Just be good and when you wake up you will be in his arms".

And then a scream.

Anger fills Jaxson's body and his heart pounded. Alpha Mark wants my mate, he sent someone to hurt my mate.

"Dean lets go".

"I'll go too".

"No, you stay with Charlie just in case".

Jaxson and Dean rushed out of the house transforming into their wolf forms. Sniffing the air for Paige's scent we find it and we take off, our speed equally fast and anger rising as we run.

I cant mind link Dean yet as he isn't officially in our pack yet and guardian wolves don't join until the Luna is official my mate.

I growl as we get closer to Paige's scent. Please be ok beautiful I am coming.