My Family

Paige lay on his chest listening to his heart beat it's steady just like Jaxson. She feels warm and safe in his arms. She was worried about telling Jaxson about her past she went back and forth about telling him her past and not telling him. She knows that she has to start to open up abit more about the things that haunt her. They can only improve their relationship by being open and honest to eachother, she made her decision and looked up at him.

"I have something to tell you. It may take a while and it'll be hard to get through it so bare with me". He holds my face up towards his own.

"Beautiful you don't have to if its going to hurt you".

"No, I can do this". Taking a deep breath she stayed n his arms. She couldnt look up at him, especially if she wanted to be able to get through the whole story.