
I drive into Axel's driveway and sure enough, my hunky Jaxson is standing there waiting on me. I pull over into a parking spot and Jaxson opens my door.

"Missed you beautiful".

I smile and take his offered hand and go inside. It is quiet, there is no TV on or Dean and cupcake laughing. Where is everyone? I turn to look at Jaxson.

"Cupcakes in bed and Dean and Axel are in the study".

"Oh, it's so quiet. I'm not used to it".

"Me either beautiful, this is how it was before you came along and added colour to my boring life".

I smile and duck my head down. I can feel the blush spread from my cheeks to my ears and know he has spotted it.


He pulls me up the stairs and into now our room. He sets me on the bed.

"There's something I'd like to discuss with you".


He sits down opposite me holding my hand looking all worried and serious.

"What's wrong?".