What do I do now?

Axel pulled up to his Mothers house. Charlie had phoned him last night at dinner time to ask him to pick him up but he had no time as he had back to back meetings and then worked on till eleven pm. He also hadn't taken Charlie's words seriously as he had often not wanted to stay with his granny and had made phone calls like this in the past.

Arriving at the door he opened the door and entered the living room hearing an extra voice he was curious. He went to the dinning room.

"Morning Mother, father, Charlie".

"Son sit eat". His dad greeted him warmly.

"No time dad I've to get to a meeting first thing so I'm just here for Charlie".

"Charlie can stay with me and Diane". Carol voiced out, she wws annoyed at her sons abrupt attitude.

Axel looked at his mother, what was she up to now he wondered. He had no time to concern himself with her schemes. He turned back to his Father.

"No thanks, it's the full moon tonight and I want Charlie beside me. Lets go Charlie".