
Paige ignored Diane as much as possible and spent her time naming the fish along with cupcake. They then watched the penguins and seal's get fed and then went to the touch tanks where cupcake touched a stingray for the first time.

She ignored the huffing and puffing Diane as she followed them round the aquarium. Diane didn't want to get to know cupcake so they took no notice of her. All she wanted was to be Luna and that was never going to happen no matter what tricks she pulls.

Paige took photos and short videos along the way and sent them as they did things to the group chat.

Paige didn't notice the group chat was very lively the men loved the photos but felt left out from all the fun while they had to work.

Noticing it was getting late Paige checked her phone and smiled at the mens replies. She had no time to read them all as it was lunch time and cupcake would be hungry.

"Hey little man let's go eat, what do you want?." Paige kneeled down and asked cupcake.