
Meanwhile in Carol and Andrews living room

"She was so mean all day long. She insulted and ignored me. She snubbed me when I tried to play with Charlie. At lunch she refused to eat if I was there she even... she even lectured me about not being a suitable Luna." Diane was sobbing and drying her tears with her handkerchief.

"Child don't be sad, don't cry she is a worthless human. I have my ways let me think of something. Jaxson will have to see that a weak human isn't good for a pack. His sense will come back to him sooner or later. We need to just remind him that a Luna must be a warewolf with Alpha blood." Carol held Dianes hands reassuring her and Diane pretended to sob into Carol's arms.

"But..but she has him wrapped around her little finger and I'm sure it's just her looks she can't have anything else." Diane looked up at Carol hoping she would get more annoyed at that silly human.